Page 29 - August-2020-Issue
P. 29
their subordinates. Then the po- services (CA, CMA, CS), other
litical beings, forever competing intellect service, sports, art & cul-
with their superiors. Next, the ture, etc. just to name a few.
mature folk, who compete with
their colleagues. And lastly, the Conclusion
true leaders who compete with
themselves. In industry, there The musings expressed above
is no shortage of managers but could be the ideal shot in the arm
managers with leadership abili- for making Swami Vivekananda’s
ties are in short supply. Any con- desire that global welfare is not
flict between woman employee possible until the status of wom-
and her superiors/peers (special- en improves. Let us remember
ly male) is strongly perceived by that Yatr naaryastu poojyante ra-
women managers are includ- women as malevolent. Ninthly, mante tatr devata, which means
ed in the interview committee extol them adequately (mone- “God resides where women are
when evaluating and interview- tarily) at least at par with indus- worshiped.” A robust e-HR vi-
ing candidates for entry/ next/ try practice and motivating them sion encompassing a myriad of
higher positions at every grade. appropriately (non-monetarily) novel facets such as importance
Thirdly, women should be man- as elaborated earlier. Tenthly, un- of women human capital, the role
aged effectively as elaborated dertake meticulous career growth they play, employee value prop-
earlier. Fourthly, they should be planning so that women employ- osition (EVP), people analytics
provided a congenial atmosphere ee can distinctly see their growth (PA), etc. are required to achieve
to discharge their responsibilities prospect with the growth of the organisational goals and com-
so that they can grow/blossom organisation. petitive edge. Getting women
and take charge of their profes- As the adage goes, a woman is into C-Suite is not one day job,
sional life. Also, they should be the ‘architect of a family, nation rather it is a continuous process,
given an opportunity to innovate and the world’ and hence the which starts from the day em-
and lead. Fifthly, to guarantee growing need for getting them in ployment notification is adver-
that bias against women talents C-Suite makes imminent sense. tised, a woman employee joins
in any job positions does not ex- Today, women have proved that the organisation as management
ist. Sixthly, to comply with the they are not only adroit in home trainee, and till the date of her
policy of zero tolerance against science but all sciences includ- superannuation.
any discrimination/disparity/dis- ing space science & aeronautics
respect or workplace harassment. and are competent to trade off on Further Reading
Seventhly, they should not be de- commitment- responsibility ma- • Woman in Science and
puted only into “R” jobs (HR, IR, trix in the home front as well as Technology : Confronting
PR, etc.) for longer duration, but work front be it Mangalyan mis- Inequalities, Namrata Gupta,
make sure they are also given op- sion or Chandrayan-2. For our SAGE Publications India Pvt.
portunities for more challenging economic and industrial growth Ltd. New Delhi, 2020.
line roles. Eighthly, they should and to reach the target of five
be under the subordination of trillion dollars by 2024, empow- • Winning, Jack Welch, Harper
true leaders/mentor right from erment and effective participa- Collins Publishers, London,
early entry level to the extent tion of women are to be ensured 2019.
possible instead of placing them in all spheres of activities, be it • Inside the C-Suite, Jayaram
arbitrarily. In this regard, while academics, bureaucracy includ- Easwaran, Harper Collins
introducing the book “Inside ing all India services like Indian Noida 2018.
the C-Suite”, the author Jayaram Administrative Service, Indian • Leading from the Front: From
Easwaran opined that there are Police Service, Indian Forest Army to Corporate World, Col.
four kinds of people in every or- Service, Indian Foreign Service, S. P. Wahi (Retd), Crossbill
ganisation. The first: the insecure Legislative, Judiciary, engineer- Publishing Company, New
ones, who often compete with ing, medicine, taxation, financial Delhi, 2013.
Kaleidoscope August, 2020 29