Page 41 - CCFA Journal - Fourth Issue
P. 41
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Mike: Thank you, Houben. Dianna, your thoughts?
Dianna: Thank you. Quite often many tasks you do are really a relationship-building exercise. You want to have win-win situations that deliver benefits
for everybody. Try to mutually understand each other will help to build a better relationship with the stakeholder. Equipped with this kind of mindset,
you will find that the way you approach certain questions or tasks becomes totally different.
Naturally you will build a lot of good relationships with others, being helpful adds values by either providing creative ideas or solutions. There are many
industry events you can participant in building your industry connections as well. Within the bank, I have several mentors along the way. I was able to
ask mentors situation-specific question and get input from them. Once you have built tight personal relationships with your mentors, they are aligned
to help you achieve your goal.
Mike:谢谢, Dianna。因此,重要的是关注你能如何帮别人增加价值而不是一味索取,这样才能实现双赢。Ti,你有什么想说的吗?
Mike: Thank you, Dianna. So, it’s important helping others focusing on what value you can add on top of what you can get from them. So, win-win.
Love it. Ti, anything to add on that side.
Ti: To me, networking is rather a part of your lifestyle and personality. Networking for your job comes last. If you hold that network with a strong
purpose in mind, there is nothing wrong with that. But fundamentally, you need to be very social and be able to connect with any people. I participate
anything in this industry and keep very strong connections with many kinds of people and I enjoy that. Networking not only helps you in career
development but also helps you develop a very good personality that you can work with different kinds of people. You understand different situations
and other people’s concerns.
I would encourage younger generation, student or people who just joined the banks, connect with as many people as you can. It is important for you,
not just because of job, or your desire to be promoted, but it will help you when you are in a difficult situation.
Mike: 谢谢,Ti,这真的很有帮助。人脉的价值不仅在于你的工作晋升,而且还拓展了你生活中的其他领域。让我们问问 Daju,在疫情
Daju: 从拓展人脉的角度来看,我找到了一种非常有效地与人接触的方式。比如在观看新闻时,我会记下了主持人是谁,然后假设我想
我的观点是,与 Ti 所说的观点略有不同。从广义上讲,我们人类是社交动物,你应该能够真正地社交。但是就像其他导师之前所说的
Mike: Thanks, Ti. That was helpful. Value is not just for your job promotion, but also expanding other areas in your life. Let’s finish with Daju. How
do you expand your network during the pandemic?
Daju: I found a very effective way of expanding your next work is reaching out to people with smart questions. For example, when watching the news,
I jot down who the anchor is, and if I wanted to connect with the anchor, I would ask him or her a couple of questions related to the program he or
she was hosting I find it much more effective to get connected this way.
I also have a slightly different view from what Ti was saying. Broadly, we humans are social animals, you should be able to really socialize, agreed.
However you have limited amount of time. If I want to connect with you, I must have a purpose. I am not saying you must be useful to me. What I am
saying is you need to use your time wisely in expanding your networking. I guess one point I have already summarized is that reaching out to people
with smart questions usually get a better response.
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