Page 40 - CCFA Journal - Fourth Issue
P. 40
Mike: Thanks, Ti. I think the points are excellent. They say if you really like what you do, you don’t really feel like it’s a lot of work because you are very
passionate about it. Just to summarize some of what Daju and Ti said previously, start to define your goals by incremental steps, gain support from your
manager for achieving your goals and find something that you are passionate about. There is a recurring thing in there as well. In addition to Daju and
Ti, hopefully, Dianna or Houben may have additional insights to add. We will start with Dianna.
Dianna: When I started my career, I always have very short-term and medium-term goals. I had a clear mind, and I knew what levels I had achieved.
Looking back the process, when you set your short-term and medium-term goals, adaptability is very important as the environment is changing a lot.
So, you need to revise your goal frequently.
When you progress along your career, your long-term goals become more and more important when your role becomes increasingly senior. The skills
you need are quite different. In a senior role, more communications, leadership and stakeholder management will be required. These are soft skills rather
than your hard or technical skills.
Another important aspect of changing your goal is that you might find some role models. If you don’t have a role model but you are aiming at certain
role, then you have to walk, talk and behave like one at the target level. That mindset is critical for me to achieve my goals.
Also, organization sponsorship and mentorship play significant rolesas you advance your career with a target goal, getting inputs from other people
particularly a mentor or a sponsor is very important as they see your areas for improvement and the best ways to achieve your goals. They help along
the way.
Mike: 太好了,非常感谢 Dianna。非常有道理。Houben, 很抱歉最后让你回答,请分享你的看法。
Houben: 其他三位导师讨论了很多,我不重复刚才说过的,尽量讲一些新的东西。
是高管,或者只是像你一样,但他们比你领先 5 到 10 年。因此,你需要与他们交谈。实际上,你从他们那里获得的可能比你的日常工
Mike: Awesome. Thank you so much, Dianna. That was insightful. Houben, sorry to take you for the last person to answer this question. If you have
anything to add, please do.
Houben: I think a lot things were covered by the other three panelists. I will add something new as I don’t want to repeat whatever was said.
I think you should not focus only on your goal but should also look at the different views on yourself, including your manager, peer, and the performance
rating. Look at where you are in terms of reaching your targets. I would also encourage you to look for negative opinions and accept criticism because
most people have weaknesses. It is good for you to know where your weaknesses are and how you can improve it. Don’t get offended if someone tell
you that you are not doing well. If you hear negative feedback, you should actually be thankful about that.
Second, part of the career paths is to look for a mentor rather than a manager. The mentorship in your career is important. Those people are usually a
few years ahead of you. They are either seniors, or executives or even just like you but they are 5 years to 10 years ahead of you. So, talk to them. You
may get much more benefit from them than your day-to-day work. That’s something different from what other three people mentioned. But I totally
agreed with what they said.
Mike: 谢谢你,Houben。最后一个问题是,现在疫情肆虐,在一切都虚拟的情况下,你如何拓展人脉?让我们从 Houben 开始。
Houben: 很好。你可能会发现,这个行业中的许多人不仅可以在自己的银行内,而且可以在不同公司中与很多人聊天。你可以从自己
Mike: Thank you, Houben. Last question is how do you expand your network during this pandemic when everything is all virtual? So, let’s start with
Houben: That’s a very good point. You may find out that a lot of people in this industry have a lot of friends to talk to, and not just within their own
bank but also across different companies. It is very important that you can start with your own friends and colleagues. And whenever you meet with a
friend’s friend, you should have extended your connection. Talk to them and expand the relationship in the professional environment.
Building connections even when the person is not working in the same area as you do. The finance industry covers wide range of areas So, I would say
there are likely benefits whenever you have opportunities meeting with peopleYou should be encouraged to connect with them.
Mike: 谢谢你,Houben。Dianna,你有什么想法吗?
Dianna: 谢谢。很多时候,你所做的工作实际上都是建立关系。你想为双方带来双赢的局面和互惠互利并尝试更好地相互理解,与该利
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