Page 39 - CCFA Journal - Fourth Issue
P. 39
加中金融 Quant Corner 数量分析
Mike: 谢谢你, Fei。现在,我们已经收到所有导师关于职业道路和技能发展的信息。就职业发展而言,应先为自己设定目标。但是应该
如何一步一步地设定长期目标,以及如何区分短期和长期职业目标呢?有哪些最佳做法?我想从 Daju 和 Ti 开始。
Daju: 也许每个人都有不同的想法,但是我要说的是从制定你的目标开始。在一年之内,或许是一个短期目标,假设你想获得高级经理
的头衔。你必须以高级经理级别的人为榜样。问自己几个问题:“在过去的两年中,我是否有能力从事高级经理的工作?” “需要什
么技能吗?” “我是否可以在一年内切实地掌握这些技能?”这是第一步。
Mike: Thank you, Fei. Now, we have heard from all the panelists on career path and skill development. Moving forward, in terms of career advancement,
you want to set goals for yourself. Now everything that the speakers discussed was how you should accomplish your goals. But how do you, step by
step, set a long-term goal and how do you differentiate the short- and long-term career goals? What are some of the best practices? So, I’d like to start
with Daju and Ti.
Daju: Everyone probably has different thoughts, but I would say start by defining your goals. Within a year, it’s probably a short-term goal. Let’s say
you want to acquire the title of senior manager. You must model yourself after someone who is at the senior manager level. Ask yourself a few questions,
“Throughout the past couple of years, were you able to perform at that level?” “What are the skills required?” “Am I going to be able to realistically
acquire these skills within a year?”. This is step one.
Step two, if you think it’s practical, then ask yourself: If I divide a year by four quarters, in each quarter, how am I supposed to be performing in each
quarter in order to become a senior manager by the end of the year?
The third one is probably the most important one. You are really the one who can engineer and design your next promotion because you are the only
one who truly drives your promotion. You need to demonstrate your talent and achievements, show that you can exercise your responsibility at a higher
level. There are many events and opportunities that will allow you standing out and get notice at work, which will make your promotion a logical outcome.
Last but not the least, you should have an agreement with your manager that senior manager is a goal you are trying to achieve and ask what you need
to do to achieve it, so that you can get their sponsorship and support.
Mike: 非常感谢,Daju。Daju 谈到了升职方面的内容。Ti,请分享你的看法。
Ti:我已经工作 25年了,并且在不同的量化分析部门工作。在我的职业生涯中,我一直在寻找自己喜欢的问题和方向,并对它们产生感
的技能来做什么,以及如何拓展技能。你的晋升取决于你的积累和你是否愿意改变。这也是为什么我同一份工作做了 25 年却没有觉得
Mike: Thank you so much, Daju. I think he touched a little bit too on promotions, but we will touch on more of that later. Ti, your thoughts please.
Ti: I have been doing my job for 25 years working in different Quant departments. For my career I have always been looking for problems and directions
that I like and make sense for them. I call myself a technical person and often use the word “play” to describe how I do my work. I play with those
things. When I do that, I know how to feel and understand what things are suitable for me to work on for the next few years. After a while and you get
tired, you know you might want to move to other directions.
Sometimes there are things required by the business, you will definitely be asked to develop. In my case, I talk to business heads including traders and
business managers. I ask them a few questions like what kind of products they are going to trade, which one will generate the highest return. This then
becomes my interest and goal. I like to work with people who can make a lot of money.
A few points worth noting: number one, you need to be very adaptive, you need to adapt to the environment; number two, in your mind, you need to
have a clear idea what you like to get from this job and what you can do with your current skill set and how you can expand your skill set. Your
advancement all depends on your readiness to move. This is also the reason why I have been working in the same area for 25 years and I didn’t find it
boring. My fulfillment from the job is that I can cover many models and products. I can see that my knowledge is expanding, and I continue to enjoy
my work. This is how I see job advancement from technical perspective.
Mike: 谢谢,Ti。我认为你的观点非常好。如果你真的喜欢自己的工作,就不会真的觉得这工作很辛苦,因为你对它有热情,你视它为
一个要解决的问题。总结一下 Ti 之前所说的内容:要根据不同的时间段来开始定义我们的目标,要与你的经理一起开始寻找并实现你
的目标,找到你热衷的东西。这是一个循环往复的过程。除了 Daju 和 Ti,希望 Dianna 或 Houben 可以在分享他们的观点。我们将从
Dianna 开始。
Dianna: 当我开始我的职业生涯时,我设置了非常短的短期目标和中期目标。我对自己有非常清晰的认识,并且知道自己已经达到了什
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