Page 34 - CCFA Journal - Fourth Issue
P. 34
Quant Corner 数量分析 加中金融
在过去几十年里,到底发生了什么使得从业人员觉得波动率是 So what has changed over the last few decades that makes practitioners
非常粗糙的? think that volatility is rough?
According to those who believe that volatility is rough, the roughness
根据那些认为波动率是粗糙的人的说法,粗糙之处在于市场的 lies in the market microstructure and dynamic (order flow distribution
微观结构和动态性,由订单流的分布和行为所产生。近年来, and behavior). The fact that in recent years most order flows are HFT
大多数订单流都是高频的,这一事实使其更加明显。 (high-frequency) just makes it more pronounced.
市场微观结构背后的理论是,买单产生更多的买单,卖出订单 The theory behind the market microstructure is that buy orders generate
产生更多的卖单,但卖出订单对订单簿和基础现货产生更大的 more buy orders, and sell orders generate more sell orders, BUT sell
影响,即流动性不对称的“杠杆效应”。市场微观结构的另一 orders have more impact on the order book and underlying spot
个特征是,市场上的大多数订单发生在市场参与者之间(交易 (liquidity asymmetry , “leveraged effect”). Another feature of the market
公司),而不是最终用户。 microstructure is that the most orders in the market are between market
players (trading firms, not end users).
最近几年的可能是最重要的发展是计算速度的迅速提高,如量 The last, and probably the most important development that took place
子计算,低延迟基础结构和强大的数据库只是其中的一些发展。 over the last few years, has been the rapid increase in computation speed
粗糙波动率模型无法直接计算,如 Black-Scholes,Heston, (quantum computing, low-latency infrastructure , and strong numerical
SABR,因为它们是非马尔可夫模型,缺乏记忆/独立性。因此 libraries are only some of these developments) . Rough Volatility
需要使用蒙特卡洛模拟来计算这些模型。特别是对于需要快速 models cannot be calculated directly (like B&S, Heston, SABR), as they
结果/价格的从业者而言,MC 模拟是耗时的过程。 are non-markovian (i.e. lack memory/independent), so one needs to use
Monte Carlo simulation to compute these models. MC simulations are
粗糙波动率的应用 time consuming processes (especially for practitioners who need fast
自从 2014 年首次亮相以来,“粗糙波动性”研究一直呈指数级
Rough Volatility applications
一些有趣的应用程序: Since it made its debut in 2014, the Rough Volatility research has been
growing exponentially. Papers and applications are frequently being
1. 使用赫斯特(Hurst)指数估计波动率的阶段性。到目 published (link to the literature in the appendix). Here are a few
前为止,赫斯特(Hurst)指数是时间序列自相关的度 interesting applications of this field of volatility modeling:
量。实证研究表明,该指数大多数时候都保持在非常 1. Estimating volatility regime using the Hurst index — As we know
低的水平上相对稳定(Gatheral 等人发现,对于长期指 by now, the Hurst index is a measure of the timeseries
数而言,H = 0.13 的股票指数),这意味着波动率在正 autocorrelation. Empirical studies have shown that this index stays
常市场中表现出强劲的均值回归。从历史上讲,在财 relatively stable at a very low level most times (Gatheral et. al found
务压力时期,该指数往往会显着上升,因此,我们可 that for equity indices H=0.13 on long term horizon), this means
that volatility exhibits in normal markets strong mean reversion.
Historically speaking, during period of financial stress that index
2. 模拟股票的波动率套利。根据 Glasserman等人(2018)
tends to rise significantly, therefore, we can use that indicator as a
发表的论文,波动率套利策略是具有剧烈波动率的多 signal of change in volatility regime.
头股票和具有平稳波动率的空头股票赚取了超额收益。 2. Modeling volatility arb in stocks — as per paper published by
3. S&P500 / VIX 波动率微笑联合校准。这可能是粗略波 Glasserman et He(2018), volatility arb strategies that were long
动性研究领域中的最大成就。由于 S&P500 / VIX 的动 stocks with rough volatility and short stocks with smooth volatility
earned excess return.
3. S&P500/VIX smile joint calibration — Probably the biggest
achievement in the field of rough volatility research. As
趣所在。根据 2020 年初的最新发现,Julien Guyon 的研 S&P500/VIX dynamic is in the epicenter of US equity market (and
究和尝试解决 S&P500 / VIX 波动率微笑联合校准的尝 some would say the epicenter of modern finance), it’s the subject
试被证明是成功的。这是一项重大突破,因为过去使 of huge interest by quant researchers and practitioners. Julien
用不同的动力学和模型进行的尝试未能成功地准确地 Guyon’s research and attempt to solve the joint smile calibration
共同校准两个波动面。这项研究表明,粗略波动率的 of S&P500/VIX proved to be successful (as per his latest findings,
dated to the beginning of 2020). This is a major breakthrough, as
past attempts, using different dynamics and models were not
successful in accurately calibrating the two volatility surfaces jointly.
This research shows that the assumption of rough volatility is
probably superior to other volatility dynamics that were assumed
to be describing the volatility dynamic.
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