Page 54 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
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        至于说从技术角度来看,第三个题目涉及很多数据分析,                                 As for the technical point of view, the third topic involves a lot
        这方面已有一定的研究基础了。我觉得在大都市圈和大都                                 of data analysis, which has formed certain research base. It is
        市带这两个概念上,似乎不必过于拘泥。因为它讲的都是                                 not necessary to distinguish metropolitan circle vs. metropolitan
                                                                  belt. They are all about the most central areas. Is it a circle or a
        最中心的区域,对于周边和更广阔区域的拉动、辐射、协                                 belt  for  the  pulling,  radiating,  synergistic,  empowering,  and
        同、赋能、共融这样一种效应,它到底是圈还是带呢?往                                 inclusive effects? It is often a metaphor, like Beijing-Tianjin-
        往是个比喻,像京津唐、长株潭,过去认为那就是都市圈,                                Tangshan,  Changsha-Zhuzhou-XiangTan.  In  the  past,  They
        像皖江经济带、从大连到沈阳再往长春和哈尔滨去延伸,                                 were  considered  as  metropolitan  circles.  The  Wanjiang
        那就是带。但是在中国,现在最有增长极特征的粤港澳大                                 Economic  Belt,  extending  from  Dalian  to  Shenyang  to
        湾区,长三角,珠三角,另外可能也应加上环渤海,它们                                 Changchun  and  Harbin,  that  is  a  belt.  But  in  China,  the
        确实有个直观的圈的特征。注意到它们作为最中心区域的                                 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Yangtze
        直观特征,分别地有些称为“圈”或另外一些称为“带”,                                River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta, which have the most
        都是可以的,最关键的还是要怎么样形成城市化中心区域                                 growth pole characteristics. It may also include the Bohai Rim.
                                                                  They do have an intuitive circle feature. Note that they are the
        在不断扩大建成区(某些建成区还不得不作重大调整——                                 intuitive features of the most central areas. The most important
        像北京那样五环内人口加以控制,外边另搞副中心)而有                                 thing is how to form the urbanization center area. The built-up
        复杂因素综合在一起的情况之下,以中心区域对于周边与                                 area is constantly expanding (some built-up areas have to be
        其他区域的拉动、辐射、协同、赋能、共融这样一个体系,                                adjusted significantly-like in Beijing, the population in the Fifth
        怎么样把它掌握好。                                                 Ring Road is controlled, and a sub-center is established outside),
                                                                  and there are complex factors.
        和新农村建设的关系如何。对于中国来说弥合二元经济的                                 The fourth topic, what is the relationship between urbanization
        过程,这方面我们现在已有总结起来值得肯定之处,比如                                 and new rural construction. China earned certain credits in the
                                                                  process of bridging the dual economies. For example, targeted
        农村精准扶贫,确实是中国体制之下解决得比别的经济体                                 poverty alleviation in rural areas is indeed better solved under
        更漂亮一些,但是农村的一些空心村问题,农民工长期两                                 the Chinese system than in other economies. But the hollow
        地分居、留守儿童等带来的社会问题,一些新的挑战性的                                 village problem where social problems caused by the long-term
        问题,往往在我们讨论中间重视不够,甚至被掩盖了。新                                 separation of migrant workers from their spouses, left-behind
        城、新扩大的中心区域里的棚户区它是什么呢?很多情况                                 children, etc. Many shanty towns in the new city and the newly
        下就是变相的贫民窟。虽然有的学者说,也不能简单把这                                 expanded  central area  are  slums  in  disguise.  However,  some
        种棚户区和贫民区说得一无是处,它还是有一种衔接和过                                 scholars believe that shanty towns and slums cannot be simply
        渡、缓冲等作用,但是不能让它们过度发展。这也就是把                                 regarded  as  useless,  as  they  still  have  links,  transition,  and
                                                                  buffer  function.  But  they  cannot  be  allowed  to  develop
        整个中心区域的城市化问题,再拉到中国整个新农村建设                                 excessively. This is to bring the urbanization problem of the
        所关联的城乡一体化健康发展必须处理的问题这个全景之                                 central  area  together with  the  problems  in  the  integration  of
        内。                                                        urban and rural areas in China.

                                              CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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