Page 50 - CCFA Journal - Second Issue
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                                                                  6. Recommendations to accelerate the DRM
        览网页、搜索或者用智能手机上网,几乎都会增加数十亿                                 A. Construction of big data platform of risks
        字节之多的数据,而且数据结构多样、逻辑复杂,传统的                                 With  the  rapid  spread  of  the  Internet,  so  is  the  global  data
        关系型数据库已渐渐无法满足风险管理的数据分析需求。                                 explosively  expanded.  The  data  structure  is  diverse  with
        在此背景下,建立了由关系型数据库、非关系型数据库、                                 complex logic. Thus the traditional relationship databases have
        Hadoop 集群、Spark 计算框架以及机器学习服务器组成的                          gradually been unable to meet the data analysis needs for risk
        风险大数据平台。通过高维机器学习模型和集成学习模型,                                management.  So  a  big  data  platform  for  RM  consisting  of
        量化企业的风险,同时,建立网络关系特征,识别企业间                                 relationship  and non-relationship  databases, Hadoop clusters,
        关联关系,对企业风险舆情信息的精准识别;使用机器学                                 Spark computing framework, and ML server is established. It
        习,结合大数据,不断迭代训练,完成开发新的预警模型                                 quantifies enterprise risk through high-dimensional ML model
        和新的评级系统。不断夯实基础数据,一方面,实施数据                                 and integrated learning model. At the same time, to establish
        整合,扩大数据源,提升数据价值。内部整合信贷、会计、                                network relationship characteristics, to identify inter-enterprise
        资产负债、审计等系统数据,实现企业内数据的全面调用                                 correlation  relationship,  accurate  identification  of  enterprise
        和挖掘;外部引入工商、司法、海关、公积金、行业协会、                                risk  public  opinion  information,  to  use  machine  learning,
        互联网舆情等数据信息,实现外部数据汇总;同时大力提                                 combined  with  big  data,  continuous  iterative  training,  to
        升数据分析、数据清洗、数据挖掘能力,从海量数据中去                                 complete the development of new early warning model and new
        除无效数据,提高数据质量和价值。另一方面,实施数据                                 rating system.
        融合。打破内外部信息壁垒,最大限度集成数据,构建覆                                 B.  Promote  the  construction  of  specialized  and  intelligent
        盖客户、行业、区域、人员的多维度、多时点信用风险数                                 models.
                                                                  The Internet generates a lot of user data every day, search and
        (2) 推进专业化、智能化模型建设                                         recommendation models need to be optimized continuously and
                                                                  frequently, self-iteration frequency is faster and more accurate
        互联网每天都生成海量用户数据,搜索、推荐模型需要持                                 than in the financial field, through ML can solve the problem of
                                                                  slow manual iteration of models. In financial RM, ML models
        续频繁地优化,自迭代频次比金融领域更快、更准确,通                                 can effectively and quickly iterate through monitoring of model
        过机器学习可以解决模型人工迭代慢的问题。在金融风险                                 characteristic  performance,  lending  groups,  and  business
        管理中,通过对模型特征性能、借贷群体和业务反馈等多                                 feedback. Build risk control models using AI technology and
        方面的监控,机器学习模型能有效地快速自迭代。通过使                                 apply  them  to  subdivided  business  processes  such  as  credit
        用人工智能技术构建风控模型,并将模型应用到如授信定                                 pricing,  pre-credit  review,  post-credit  monitoring,  and
        价、贷前审核、贷后监控、交易欺诈侦测等细分业务流程                                 transaction fraud detection.
        信用决策模型的研发。如在授信决策方面,构建客户融资                                 C. Data security database through data sharing.
        需求与其风险承担能力相适应的授信决策模型。另一方面,                                With big data industry alliance, relevant trade associations and
        构建多维度的预警监控模型。模型应覆盖行业风险、区域                                 other organizations, one would establish a shared data security
        风险、客户风险、产品风险、案件操作风险等,重点关注                                 prevention database to promote the collection and sharing of
        关联结构传导风险、贸易链传导风险、异常交易与资金流                                 data security information, data repair initiatives. At key aspects
        向、征信信息及征信行为等内容。                                           of  the  data  lifecycle,  such  as  data  generation,  acquisition,
                                                                  transmission,  storage,  use,  sharing,  destruction,  to  comb
        (3) 建立数据安全防范数据库,加强数据共享                                    through the technical tools required for data security, and share
                                                                  technical inventory in a timely manner to ensure that all parties
        以大数据产业联盟、相关行业协会等组织为依托,在大数                                 have the ability to quickly identify similar technologies when
        据生产使用过程中的风险监控和管制以及风险预警和化解                                 discovering security vulnerabilities or potential threats.
        全防范信息和修复举措的收集和共享,低成本、高质量、                                 D. Strengthen the application of fintech R&D and expertise.
        高频度地生产、使用数据安全防范相关知识。在数据产生、                                The integration of fintech and risk management is a systematic
        采集、传输、存储、使用、共享、销毁等数据生命周期的                                 project, which is faced with the constraints and breakthroughs
        关键环节,梳理总结数据安全防护所需具备的技术手段和                                 of concept, foundation, technology and talents. The foundation
        工具,并将技术清单及时共享,确保各方在发现安全漏洞                                 of fintech is information and data. Financial enterprises should
        或潜在威胁时具备迅速找到类似技术的能力,以正确应对                                 conform to the development trend of information technology,
        并降低潜在危害。充分利用先进的自动化工具、信息采集                                 firmly  establish  "data  to  create  value"  as  the  focus,  data
        和智能分析等现代化技术手段,探索建设机器学习型智能                                 management as a foothold. Fintech empowers RM, but also puts
        模型风险管理平台,识别数据管理中的薄弱环节并自动发                                 forward higher demands for RM talents. In the future, we need
        出提示,提高风险监测、反馈、防护和应对的效率。                                   to  invest  heavily  to  and  actively  cultivate  complex  fintech
                                                                  talents  with  data  processing  and  analysis,  new  technology
        (4) 加强金融科技研发应用和人才培养                                       application,  data  model  research  and  development  and  risk
                                                                  management ability.

                                              CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   DECEMBER 2020
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