Page 46 - CCFAJournal-FirstIssue
P. 46


        我认为中国的保险、财富管理行业,仍然有相当可观的独                             I think China’s insurance and wealth management industry still has
        特性。前些年经济一路下行,大家都喊困难,但我接触到                             considerable  room  of  development.  Despite  the  economic
        的保险业、财富管理行业,不是困难,而是有了很好的发                             difficulties, the insurance industry and wealth management industry
        育、扩展机遇,是高歌猛进,若干年内每年的营业额增长                             still show development and expansion. Both annual revenue and the
                                                              profit growth rates in the past several years are between 30% and
        幅度都是 30%,甚至达到 40%。特别值得看重的是,利润                         40%.  This  clearly  demonstrates  the  strong  demands  from  the
        增长幅度也是 30%上下,好的也有 40%。这说明市场主体
                                                              growing  middle  class  in  insurance  and  the  wealth  management
        和社会成员,不断壮大的中产阶层,先富起来的社会中的                             products.  Therefore,  both  life  insurance  and  wealth  management
        成功者,他们的金融意识在继续上升,而且他们的避险观                             industry  have  enjoyed  good  days  in  the  recent  years.  Under  the
        念伴随金融意识,在要求有更多由保险、财富管理行业给                             impact of the pandemic, studies have shown that these good days
        他们提供满意的金融产品。所以保险与财富管理行业的日                             will continue for both industries.
                                                              Of  course,  after  further  expanding  financial  liberalization  and
        个好日子还会延续,社会中强劲的需求仍然会使金融行业                             lowering access of entry, preparations should be made for Chinese
        中的这一块,继续比别的部分看起来日子更好过一些。当                             financial industry to embrace competition from foreign insurance
        然,进一步扩大金融开放、降低准入以后,大家要准备面                             and  wealth  management  companies,  which  will  bring  in  more
        对从外部来的、以更成熟的经验支撑的保险和财富管理外                             mature global experiences to enter China’s financial markets.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   AUGUST 2020                      Page 46     第46页
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