Page 41 - CCFAJournal-FirstIssue
P. 41


        我个人感觉是,如果不说特殊因素,只说过去的经验数据                             Personally,  I  think that  if  special  factors  are  excluded,  it  is  very
        来看今年两会上提的年度必须达到的目标——GDP 因为有                           certain that under the policies of so-called “six guarantees” and “six
        巨大的不确定性避而不谈了,但是非常肯定地说在“六                              stabilization”, the annual increase in new jobs in cities and towns
        保”、“六稳”的背景下,年度城镇新增就业岗位要增加                             will  increase  by  9  million.  Such  a  new  addition  of  employment
                                                              should bring the GDP to be 4% or a little higher.
        900 万个,这 900 万新增就业所需要的支撑,应该是 GDP
        4%或再高一点儿的支撑。在这个严峻局面之下,虽然大家                            Under the current grim situation, although everyone is feeling very
        现在感受都不好,市场有非常多的焦虑之处,企业特别是                             bad now, the capital market also has shown a lot of anxieties. The
        实体经济困难重重,但从短期看到中长期,应该讲中国发                             private enterprises, still face many difficulties, but from medium to
        展的根本动力和资源供给的可持续性,这个基本盘没有变。                            long  term  perspective,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  fundamental
                                                              driving  forces  of  China’s  economic  development  and  the
        中国现在处于推进现代化的具体的工业化、城镇化、市场                             sustainability of resource supply have not changed.
                                                              China  now  embraces  industrialization,  urbanization,  marketing
        在弥合二元结构中,与全球做生意支撑现代化“和平崛                              economy, internationalization and information that contribute to her
        起”,还是有非常值得肯定的基础,现在来看还有可观的                             modernization. In bridging the dual structure, China still has a very
        成长性。决策层和管理部门所说的“中国经济长期向好的                             solid foundation for doing business with the world to support her
        基本趋势没有变”,确实不是空话。中国的经济有了前面                             “peaceful  rise”  of  modernization.  What  the  decision-makers’
        几十年的发展之后,工业化走到了什么程度?中国沿海的                             assertion  that  “the  basic  trend  of  China’s  long-term  economic
                                                              growth  has  not  changed”  is  still  true.  After  the  development  of
                                                              China's economy in previous decades, how far has industrialization
                                                              gone?  Some  areas  along  the  coast  of  China  have  shown  the
                                                              characteristics of somewhat late industrialization, while the central
        走它的空间还相当可观。印证这样一个认识,有工信部领                             and western regions are still clearly in the medium stage, and even
        导所说到的中国的制造业现在大而不强,在全球连第二阵                             in  some  areas  in  the  early  stage  of  industrialization.  The  whole
        营也还没进去,有一系列的数据印证;有决策层所肯定的                             country should be in a process of evolution from the mid-term to the
        中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中经济体;也有在分析中可                             mid-to-late  period  of  stages  of  industrialization.  Quoted  by  the
        技术性援引的城镇化指标—如到了工业化的后期,城镇化                             leaders  of  the  Ministry  of  Industry  and  Information  Technology,
                                                              China's manufacturing industry is rather large but not very strong,
                                                              and  even  has  not  entered  the  second-tier  of  the  industrialized
        中国现在城镇化的数据,不能只看常住人口达 60%出头,                           countries. Urbanization should show its high speed of growth during
        如只看这一指标,完成城镇化高速发展阶段,可能只有 10                           the last stage of industrialization.
        个点的空间了。但是中国还有一个很低的指标,就是户籍                             China’s  current  urbanization  should  not  just  focus  on  the
        人口的城镇化率,现在只有 44%出头儿。户籍人口城镇化                           urbanization resident population reaching 60%, which may imply
        率不欠账,它的真实性是靠得住的,我们可以拿后边的指                             only 10% more space to grow to complete the rapid development of
        标来做些向上的调整——常住人口规模可观,也要认它一                             urbanization.  However,  the  household  registered  urbanized
        部分的账,拿来综合一下(比如北京 2000 多万常住人口,                         population  only  reaches  44%.  The  urbanization  rate  of  the
                                                              household  registration  population  should  be  reliable.  Combining
                                                              both urbanization indicators, China’s current urbanization level is
                                                              likely  around  50%.  According  to  international  experience,
        得中国现在真实城镇化水平也就是 50%上下,按照国际经
                                                              urbanization should reach 70% to complete its rapid development
        验走到 70%才能离开其高速发展阶段,一年上去一个百分                           stage,  which  may  still  take  about  20  years  for  China.  This  is  a
        点,也还得走 20 年,这是工业化和城镇化紧密结合在一                           development process in which industrialization and urbanization are
        起的发展过程。我们看到了自己的不足,同时也看到的是                             closely integrated. In this sense, China, as still the world's largest
        我们还有值得重视的可观的成长性,还有发展空间。这个                             populated  country,  is  also  the  world's  most  promising  emerging
        空间中自然就有韧性和回旋余地,所以中国作为世界第一                             market economy. Accompanying industrialization and urbanization,
                                                              we must unswervingly continue to promote marketing economy.
        业城镇化相伴随,我们要坚定不移继续推进市场化。中央                             In summary, this year’s economic growth pattern shall be “lower in
        最近发文件特别强调了要素市场的建设和整个社会主义市                             the first half before going higher in the second half”. However, there
        场经济怎么加以完善,坚持这样的市场化,又必然伴随着                             are also challenges and opportunities ahead. Please let me share four
        全面开放、和全世界作生意的供需互动的国际化,以及我                             perspectives to illustrate.


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