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        第二, 贸易摩擦增加不确定性                                        2.  The Trade Conflicts Have Increased Uncertainties

        第二层就是不期而至的贸易摩擦。我们不希望出现这种情                             The second layer is the unexpected trade conflicts between US and
        况,但是它来了,这使在 2015 年一直到 2018 年上半年,                      China. We don’t want this to happen, but nonetheless it had come,
                                                              which  caused  to  interrupt  the  economic  growth  of  6.7%-6.9%
        长达 12 个季度运行的平台状态(6.7%到 6.9%中高速状态)                     medium-to-high range for up to 12 quarters between 2015 and the
        被中美贸易摩擦的不期而至所打断,整个经济运行又击穿                             first half of 2018,. The economic growth was then further broken
        了 6.7%的下限继续往下走,2018 年当年报的是 6.6%,                      through the 6.7% lower limit and continued to go down. In 2018, the
        2019 年四季度已经落到 6%的整数关口上。                               annual growth target was 6.6%. In the fourth quarter of 2019, it has
                                                              fallen to the 6% range.
        “百年未有之大变局”。中美的双边关系已经回不到从前。 The  external  environment  for  China’s  development  has  indeed
        最近一段时间,好了一些以后,形势又变得更为严峻,甚                             undergone major changes. The Chinese senior leader said that “the
        至美国特朗普不断说要彻底脱钩。当然,这也是一种他的                             current  changes  have  not  been  seen  in  a  hundred  years”.  The
                                                              bilateral relationship between China and the United States may not
        姿态和施加压力时带有技巧的操作。实际上,中美之间要                             return to the good old days. Recently, the situation has become more
        完全脱钩是空谈的。中美现在实际上已经是共享全球产业                             severe, and even the President of the United States has repeatedly
        链,要想在中美之间贸易归零,那是不可能的。在剑拔弩                             talked about a complete decoupling. We must strive for “fighting but
        张的时候,我们动不动还是宣布购买美国的大豆,美国也                             without breaking”. China and the United States have actually shared
        有这种强烈的出口要求,还有其他相关的很多贸易事项,                             global  industrial  chains.  It  is  impossible  to  achieve  zero  trade
        比如贸易摩擦打响之后,几年下来美国市场的电视机、计                             between China and the United States. We also continue to purchase
        算机,主要的进口国还是中国,占了它整个市场份额的 60%                          soybeans from the United States. The United States also has strong
        多,只比原来的 70%降了几个点。这种“斗而不破”的客                           export demands, and there are many other related trade items. For
        观的物质基础是存在的。                                           example, even though after the trade conflicts started, televisions
                                                              and computers in the U.S. market still were imported from China,
        至于说高端,中美之间早就脱钩,一直没有挂上——我们                             which accounted for more than 60% of its entire market share, only
        一直想花大价钱买美国核心、前沿的科技成果,但是人家                             a  few  points  lower  than  the  70%  prior  to  the  trade  conflicts.
        就是不卖,所以早已经是脱钩状态,从来没有真正接上过。                            “Fighting but without breaking” is possible!
        但是在中高端、中端、中低端,仍然有很多生意可做。在                             On the other hand, in term of high-tech, China and the United States
        整个的发展过程中间,我们还是要认同,在反全球化的不                             probably already is on the way of decoupling. China would like to
        利影响之下,逐步建设和达到人类命运共同体,仍然是我                             spend a lot of money on the core and cutting-edge scientific and
        们必须坚持的主流,而且是世界文明发展中会体现出更多                             technological products of the United States, but US just didn’t want
        重要支持力量的不可扭转的趋势。中国必须在打造人类命                             to sell. But in terms of the medium-high-end, mid-end and low-end,
                                                              there  are  still  many  rooms  to  work  on.  Even  under  the  adverse
        运共同体的过程中间争取和平崛起。                                      impact  of  anti-globalization,  gradually  building  and  reaching  a
                                                              community of humankind destiny is still the mainstream we must
        第三, 新冠疫情对经济复苏影响重大
                                                              adhere to, and it will show more importance in the development of
        在第二重的不利因素叠加上来以后,当下我们感受到,最                             world civilization. And it shall be irreversible. China must strive for
        有冲击力的是第三重因素,就是新冠疫情,它突发之后使                             a peaceful rise in the process of building a community with a shared
        经济运行形成了第三种不利因素的叠加。在这种情况之下                             future for mankind.
        怎么认识发展大势呢?                                            3.  The Shock of Covid-19 on the Economic Recovery is
        在我们当下看,2020 年第一季度的情况是负 6.8%的经济
        增速,如果从绝对值来说,从原来的 6%落到负 6.8%是跌                         Besides the second-level unfavorable factors, we now feel that the
        掉了近 13 个百分点。有三个产业不同的数据,二产跌得                           most important factor is the third-level factor, COVID-19. Under
        最深。但是这个变化中间,我们已经在一季度里看得出来,                            such a pandemic shock, how to understand the development trend?
        合计负 6.8%的经济下行,最主要发生在 1-2 月份,特别                        In  our  current  view,  the  situation  in  the  first  quarter  of  2020  is
        是疫情最严重的 2 月,它把整个经济拉到很低的水平,3                           negative economic growth rate of 6.8%, if in absolute terms, from
        月是往上找补了的。3 月份当月 GDP 的增速已经回升到负                         the original 6% to negative 6.8% is a drop of nearly 13 percentage
        的 0.8%,这样合在一起,一季度是负的 6.8%。4 月份、5                      points. The three major industries were affected differently, among
        月份、二季度的情况,从工业增加值来说已经明显往上走,                            which the secondary industry has fallen the most. We have already
                                                              found that in the first quarter that a total of 6.8% of the economic
        分别报出来的是 3.8%和 4.4%以上,带动二季度经济增速,                       downturn  occurred  mainly  in  January-February,  especially  in
        不敢说能把上半年拉到告别负值吧,但是应该能充抵掉相                             February  when  the  pandemic  was  the  most  severe.  It  pulled  the
        当大一部分。                                                entire economy to a very low level. The level rebounded in March.
                                                              The situation in April, May, and the second quarter had obviously
        剩下的三、四季度,如果不出特别意外的情况,“前低后                             improved, at least in terms of industrial added value. The industrial
        高”会延续。三四季度如果能够在现在出台的“非常时期                             added values were 3.8% and 4.4%, respectively. I estimate that the
        有非常之策”的举措综合作用之下,假定三四季度都能够                             economic growth rate of the second quarter of the year should offset
        是 6%的增长速度,那么全年能有望达到 3%左右的增速。                          the negative value of the first quarter to considerably.
        如果我们做得更加有效一些,也不排除我们这一年度可以                             In  the  remaining  third  or  fourth  quarter,  if  there  are  no  special
        往上高看到 4%左右。
                                                              surprises, the “first lower and then higher” pattern will continue.
                                                              Assuming a growth rate of 6% in the third and fourth quarters, the
                                                              annual growth rate would be expected to reach about 3% in 2020. If
                                                              the policies become more effectively, we may able to find a growth
                                                              rate of about 4% for the whole year.

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