Page 42 - CCFAJournal-FirstIssue
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        二、四个视角                                                II.  Four Perspectives

        第一,短期和中长期衔接的视角                                        1.  Between the short- and medium-long term
        我们要在短期和短中期不断面对不确定性的情况下,把握确 Despite the uncertainties in the short and medium term, we must
        定性:如果说看到两年以上,我总觉得从概率上来说,还是                            seek  certainties  in  the  medium  to  long  term.  From  a  two-year
                                                              horizon, it will be high probability that there will be effective drugs
                                                              and  vaccine  against  covid-19.  Two  years  later,  there  should  be
        (开始人们寄希望年内出疫苗,现在专家的口气调低了,有                            obvious  progress  in  disease  prevention  and  treatment.  The
                                                              connection  between  short-  and  medium-long  term  should  be
        消息,是疫苗研制进展也还有亮点,只能是拭目以待)。现                            managed dynamically.
                                                              2.  Between the aggregate and structure
        的,虽然还有种种困扰,但是前低转后高,全国已成定局。 We must pay special attention to expanding domestic demand, but
        前面已经讲到了四、五月份的数据,明显亮点在表现出来。 this aggregate adjustment must be combined with structural reforms
        短期和中长期的衔接,要在动态中把握。                                    on  the  supply  side  to  lead  to  improvements  in  the  quality  and
                                                              efficiency of the entire supply system. The external pressure also
        第二,总量和结构的视角上                                          forces us to optimize the structure. Under the shock of the pandemic,
                                                              with  the  structure  optimization  as  the  main  line  of  high-quality
        我们要特别注意扩大内需,但这个总量调节一定要坚定不移                            development, domestic demand is expanded on the one hand, supply
        地结合推进供给侧结构性改革,带来整个供给体系质量、效                            management should also be improved on the other hand..
                                                              3.   Between the inventory and increment
        发展,这一命题绝对没有变化,扩大内需,是要在需求管理 In addition to mobilizing inventory potential, it is also necessary to
        的同时,一定加上可不断总结的供给管理值得肯定的经验。  increase the performance of increment. Increasing the performance
                                                              of increments is generally a slow variable, but under the pressure of
        第三,从存量和增量的视角来看                                        the  pandemic,  the  combination  of  inventory  and  increment  will
                                                              definitely increase the potential of absolute quantity and scale, and
        除了动员存量潜力之外,也要于提升增量绩效这方面加力。                            at the same time improve qualities.
        整个基本面运行方面,我们的回旋余地体现了应急地动员存                            4.  Between the policy and its implementation
                                                              The  senior  leaders  said  that  the  pandemic  is  a  big  test  of  the
        应求,但包括比亚迪这样的企业,都可在几天之内形成合乎                            governance system. China can truly improve its governance system
        质量要求的成规模的口罩生产线,还有防护服的生产线。增 and  governance  capabilities  in  accordance  with  the  internal
        量方面绩效的提升,一般来说是慢变量,但是在疫情压力之 requirements of modernization.
                                                              III. The Inflation and Economic Growth Targets
        有一些中国出口的防疫用品,被国外批评说质量有问题之后, After making several observations from different perspectives, we
        客观上也逼着我们找到自己的短板,尽快提高质量。                               have to talk about the prices that people care about very much. The
                                                              CPI that is directly related to the lives of ordinary people has risen
        第四, 还有一个视角就是政策及其实施                                    significantly  after  the  fourth quarter  of  2019.  Largely  due  to  the
                                                              shortage of pork, the overall CPI has increased rapidly. Since then,
        领导人说这次是治理体系能力的大考,在国家治理现代化的                            the  supply  of  pork  has  started  to  increase.  In  addition  to  large
        概念下,全面考虑中国怎么样把治理体系、治理能力真正按 imports, the stock of live pigs has risen, and new supply enters into
        照现代化的内在要求,使之得到进步。                                     the market, which has also eased the supply pressure of other meat,
                                                              poultry and eggs-related categories. It is not too difficult to control
        三、通胀与经济增长目标                                           CPI  target  within  3.5%.  There  has  already  seen  a  very  obvious
                                                              downward adjustment trend.
        过日子很关心的物价,大的趋势已可以看出来。老百姓过日 In our analysis, we must also look at the other component of the
        子直接相关的 CPI,在 2019 年四季度以后指标明显上升,最                      prices,  which  is  PPI.  The  latest  PPI  is  still  in  negative  territory.
                                                              Under the impact of the trade conflicts, it has gone through a period
        主要所表现的,就是由于猪肉供不应求带动整个 CPI 比较迅
                                                              of  negative  growth.  There  is  neither  inflation  nor  deflationary
                                                              pressure this year.
        面。今年 CPI 控制在 3.5%以下的目标应该说没有多大的悬
        资料出厂价格的 PPI,最新的表现是它仍然在负增长。在贸
        成的合力,是有希望把 PPI 推举到基本消除负值这样的波动

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