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Kitab Syarah Aqud        al-mansub ila tariq al-Qushashi written   Mystic-Philosophical Thought in                     The Serat Cabolek tells the story of a   Sunan Mangkurat IV to impose the death   Manuscript of the Kitab
          Alujain, written by Imam   by Abdurrauf ibn Ali al-Jawi al-Fansuri   Java                                              Sufi named Haji Ahmad Mutamakin        penalty on Haji Ahmad Mutamakin.           Awamil on the grammar
          Nawawi Al-Bantani about   (1615-1690).  In line with al-Kurani,   Religious conflict between orthodox                  who lived during the reign of Sunan    However, due to Sunan Mangkurat            of Arabic in Pondok
          household ethics in      Abdurrauf’s text provides a more                                                              Mangkurat IV (1719-1726) and his son   IV’s sudden death, the sentencing was      Pesantren Duri Sawo,
          Islam                    conciliatory reinterpretation of the    Muslims who held on to the legal formal               Paku Buwana II (1726-1749) in the village   delayed until after the installment of Paku   Ponorogo, East Java
                                                                           aspects of the Shari’a and followers
          Source: Directorate of   doctrine of existential monism by way of   of Islamic mystical notions also took              of Cabolek, Tuban on the northern      Buwana II, the new king of Kartasura.      Source: Directorate of
          History and Cultural     underlining its agreement with the Qur’an   place in Java. Shari’a scholars used the          shore of East Java. He is depicted as   In essence, this case differs from that in   History and Cultural
          Values, Ministry of      and the Prophetic tradition.            same motives to brand certain Sufis as                a disseminator of mystical tenets that   Aceh as the mystical notions Haji Ahmad   Values, Ministry of
          Education and Culture    Abdurrauf appears to have been very     religious outcasts. They were thrown                  digressed from the Shari’a among       Mutamakin propagated did not lead to       Education and Culture
          of the Republic of       careful in deciding what position to take   because they were seen as embracing               laymen which, of course, caused unrest   the doctrine of the seven lofty stages as   of the Republic of
          Indonesia                between the two opposing factions. In   heterodox notions and the pattern                     within the Muslim community, especially   inal-Burhanpuri’s al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah.   Indonesia
                                                                                                                                 among Shari’a‘ulamaa round Tuban. Haji
                                   Tanbih al-Mashi, the spirit of Abdurrauf’s   followed the one that had occurred in the        Ahmad Mutamakin was also accused       The knowledge of the profound reality
                                   mystical notions are implicitly in line with   Malay regions, especially in Aceh and in       of disloyalty and even of harassing the   only taught about the concept of the
                                   those of al-Raniri, viz. by expressing   the wider Islamic world, and as the care             local authorities when he named his    perfection of life. The story tells that
                                   his disagreement with the exaggerated   of, al-Hallaj.                                        two dogs Abdul Qahar and Kamaruddin    Haji Ahmad Mutamakin took mystical
                                   existential doctrine that underlines    The Serat Cebolek is one of several                   that were the names of two officials, the   lessons from a Yemeni Sufi master, i.e.
                                   the absolute unity of God and nature;   Javanese texts that illustrate motives                penghulu and the ketib in Tuban. The   Shaykh Zain and he found surprising
                                   however, he also opposed al-Raniri’s    happened to religious outcast against the             ‘ulama of Tuban filed a suit against Haji   similarities with the mystical tenets in
                                   attitude of radically going against the   notions of Islamic mysticism. The work is           Mutamakin’s deportment with the King of   the texts of Bhima Suciand Dewa Ruci.
                                   heretical notions. 53                   written in Javanese poetic form (tembang)             Kertasura. 55                          Nevertheless, both mystical tenets
                                   In fact, unlike al-Raniri, Abdurrauf    and composed by the poet of the                       In the Serat Cabolek, it was Ketib Anom   apparently put a similar emphasis on the
                                                                                                                                                                        possible union between man and the
                                   did not denounce the followers of the   Surakarta Palace in Central Java, Raden               Kudus who was to be the leading ‘ulama   Hidden Reality (read: God), when one
                                   Wujudiyyah doctrine as infidels. He     Ngabehi Yasadipura I, who served during               in Tuban who viciously challenged the   arrives at a certain stage.
                                   countered al-Raniri who accused these   the reigns of Paku Buwana III (1749-1788)             mystical notions Haji Ahmad Mutamakin
                                   followers of being infidels by way of   and Paku Buwana IV (1788-1820). In his                disseminated. He was depictedas        In one episode in the Bhima Suci, for
                                   issuing a fatwa urging people to kill   capacity of royal poet, especially during the         an orthodox ‘alim who was not only     example, it is narrated that Werkudara
                                   them, which caused severe enmity        reign of Paku Buwana III, Yasadipura I was            qualified in Islamic knowledge, but also   (another name for Bima) was ordered
                                   and a prolonged conflict in the Muslim   entrusted to compose literary works and              in Javanese traditions. It was Ketib Anom   to enter the garb cave (within the womb
                                   community.                              he has written a number of texts like Serat           Kudus who led the ‘ulama of Tuban      of) Dewa Ruci through his left ear.
                                                                           Cabolek, Babad Giyanti, Babad Prayut,                 to propose to the King of Kartasura,   Inside Dewa Ruci’s body, Werkudara
                                   52.  In-depth discussions on this literary work may                    54
                                   befound in Oman Fathurrahman’s Tanbih al-Mashi.  Pasinden Badaya, and many others.            Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975), p. 17.  attained the perfection of life through
                                   53. Azra, Jaringan Ulama…, p. 191.      54.  S. Soebardi, The Book of Cabolek (The            55. Soebardi, The Book of Cabolek …, p. 27.  witnessing Pancamaya, which means the

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