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Thus, a linguistic analysis of the      1602, during the reign of Sultan Alauddin             exercising his power and therefore it can   and despotic viziers; (6) generous and   Tomb of Raja Ali Haji.
                                   translation of the ‘Aqa’id, as Asmah Hj.   Ri‘ayat Shah Sayid al-Mukammil in Aceh.            be paralleled to the Nasihat al-Muluk by   noble people; and (7) the description of   Raja Ali Haji’s thoughts,
                                   Omar  and also Imran  conducted         Various scholars have conducted studies               al-Ghazali (d. 1111).                  reason and knowledge. 46                   including those on
                                   shows that in the 16 century the use    on this text, including, for example,                 Some issues dealt with in the book     T. Iskandar (1966)  has made a             linguistics, were
                                   of the Malay language had become        Valentijn (1726) Werndly (1736), and                  are the requirements a king needs, the   transliteration into Latin script of chapter 2   attempts to restore
                                   increasingly well established and wide   Roorda van Eysinga (1827) during the                 duties of kings, his ministers and chief   article 13 and up to recently it was the most   Malay culture.
                                   spread. This is proved by the more      early days of Dutch scholarship about                 commanders; criteria for and the nature   important source on the history of Aceh.  Source: Directorate of
                                   complete affixation system, in addition   Indonesia. They generally praised the               of a just king and those of ministers and                                         History and Cultural
                                   to the vocabularies that had also       quality of the text of the Taj as-Salatin,            commanders; physiognomy in selecting   Adat Aceh                                  Values, Ministry of
                                   increasingly absorbed Arabic elements,   especially the Malay language that it                officials; rules and admonitions to govern                                        Education and Culture
                                   especially those related to religious   uses. They consider the book the best                 a kingdom; and various other issues    The author of this text has not been       of the Republic of
                                   aspects, especially Sufism.             text in Malay literature.  More recent                                                       identified. Information about the text     Indonesia.
                                                                           scholars, such as van Ronkel and                      related to political power.            is based on T.J. New bold’s study in
                                   Fiction and Historical Literature       Winstedt (1938) proposed a slightly                   Bustan as-Salatin                      the Madras Journal of Literature and
                                                                           different view. Although they still praise                                                   Science (1836 III: 54-57 and 1836 IV:
                                   In addition to book literature, in the 16    the quality of the content and the               The Bustan as-Salatin fi Dhikr al-     117-120), as well as on his other works
                                   and 17  centuries, Aceh,Samudera        expression of the Malay language of the               Awwalin wa ‘l-Akhirin (Sultans’ Garden   (1839: 225-226). Following New bold is
                                   Pasai and Malacca also produced         text, but both found that it ismerely a               in Remembrance of the People of the    Th. Braddle who conducted studies on
                                   other types of texts called fiction and   translation of a Persian work.                      Beginning and the End), is an extensive   the same text. The result of Braddle’s
                                   historical literature. However, unlike in                                                     historical work written by Nuruddin ar-  study was published in the Journal of the
                                   Samudera Pasai and Malacca, in Aceh,    However, regardless of these issues, it is            Raniri. He wrote it in 1637after he had   Indian Archipelago (1850 IV: 589-603;
                                   these two types of literature, as will be   undeniable that the text of the Taj as-           receivedan order to do so from Sultan   1851 V: 26-28). Detailed information and
                                   shown below, but more emphasize on      Salatin played an important role in the               Iskandar Thani, who had become his     the latest research results were obtained
                                                                           development of the political discourse
                                   Acehnese history and culture in addition   in the Malay world and in Indonesia                patron in Aceh. It contains the history   from G.W.J. Drewes and P. Voorhoeve
                                   to Islamic subjects. Here follow some            45                                           of the world, starting from the creation   (1958). The Adat Aceh (Acehnese
                                   texts from Aceh that are ranked among   in general.  One important point in                   of the heavens and earth to the period   Tradition) consists of a number of
                                                                           this regard is that the Taj as-Salatin
                                   the categories of fiction and historical   put Islamic political tradition ---to be           of the Aceh Kingdom. The text consists   important points: (1) the order of all kings;
                                   literature.                                                                                                                          (2) the genealogy of the kings in Bandar
                                                                           precisely the Sunni school--- at the                  of seven chapters: (1) the description
                                                                           center of Malay political thinking. Political         the creation of the seven skies; (2) the   Aceh; (3) the tradition of the Kings’
                                   Taj as-Salatin                                                                                                                       assembly; and (4) other traditions.
                                                                           principles in Islam were formulated in the            description of all the prophets and kings;
                                   TheTaj as-Salatin (Sultans’ Crown) by   form of stories and admonitions. And the              (3) the description of all the just kings
                                   Bukhari al-Jauhari is the first text to be   reigning monarch was expected to use             and ingenious viziers; (4) all ascetic kings   Hikayat Aceh
                                   explained. It was written most likely in   the book as a reference to guide him in            and pious saints; (5) authoritarian kings   This text contains the genealogy

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