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Buton with the vizier ministers, waving   showed,  Imam Ahmad gave Snouck                  Mastering Religious Matters) regarding                                            The royal palace of
                                      the paper a piece, coming down the   a list of books the people read in the                the procedure for studying religion written                                       Buton. The Buton
                                      Presence of His Majesty the Father   eastern part of the countries under the               by Muhammad Arsyad bin Abdullah                                                   Sultanate in Southeast
                                      Company, Mr. Governor General and    wind, the territory of Ternate, Tidore and            al-Banjari and the Hidayat al-Salikin                                             Sulawesi presents
                                      Raden van Indie in Batavia, Insha    Bacan. In addition to the books in Arabic             (Manual for Searching Knowledge)--- a                                             vital evidence of the
                                      Allah will continue his age, health and   that were widespread in pesantren as             composition in Malay based on al-                                                 development of the
                                      good fortune in peace.               noted by van den Berg in the late 19                  Ghazali’s Bidayat al-Hidayah--- written                                           Malay language in the
                                                                           century,  Imam Ahmad recorded a                       by Abdussamad al-Palimbani.                                                       archipelago. The Malay
                                   The presence of Malay in Buton is closely   number of titles of Jawi books composed                                                                                             language was the formal
                                   linked with the history of the kingdom,   by the ulama in the Archipelago from                Conclusion                                                                        language of the kingdom,
                                   where the process of the establishment   the Malay speaking regions, among                                                                                                      used for political and
                                   to become an empire involving the       them, the book composed by Abdurrauf                  The Malay language and Jawi books                                                 commercial diplomacy
                                   Malay Kingdoms of Johor and Sumatra     Singkel, Mir’at al-Tulab, in form of a                aren ot only important from a historical                                          as well as for a number
                                   who migrated there. However, the most   Malay adaptation of Ansari’s book Fath                perspective ---that they have become a                                            of socio-religious texts.
                                   important thing to say here is that Butonis   al-Wahab. Another book is the Dhur              category in the study of Islamic culture
                                   a good example that Malay had been      al-Thamim, which, according to Snouck                 in Indonesia--- but also in terms of the                                          Source: Directorate of
                                   established well as a lingua franca in the   Hurgronje, was probably written by               formation of ecumenical Islam in the                                              History and Cultural
                                   archipelago. Thus, Buton in the eastern   Muhammad Nafis al-Banjari.                          archipelago. Through Malay, Muslim                                                Values, Ministry of
                                   part of the archipelago was connected to                                                      communities in various regions in the                                             Education and Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the Republic of
                                   the people living in the other parts of the   Books composed by the Patani scholar,           archipelago became connected to one                                               Indonesia.
                                   archipelago.                            Daud al-Fatani (Daud bin Abdullah bin                 another, and, strengthened through the
                                                                           Idris al-Fatani) were also included in                use of Jawi books, these relationships
                                   The people of the archipelago were not   Imam Ahmad’s list. Among them were                   remained within limits derived from
                                   only connected to one-another through   two of his books on jurisprudence: the                the universal message of Islam. This
                                   languages, but also though religious    Fara’id ghayat taqrib fi al-irth wa al-tansib         gradual and long historical process has
                                   thoughts recorded in books written      (Statutes of the Final Approximation in               become the basis for the formation of
                                   in Malay in Jawi script in addition to   Inheritance and Consanguinity) on the                what Anderson called an “imagined
                                   books written in Arabic, which were also   laws about the division of an inheritance          community”. If the colonial government
                                   widespread and sources of religious     and the Idah al-bab li murid al-nikah                 might have inherited the Indonesian
                                   knowledge. A note written by someone    bi al-sawab (Explanatory Chapter                      state, the Malay language has laid a
                                   called Imam Ahmad ---an Imam for the    for Getting Married Correctly) about                  solid foundation for the establishment
                                   Bacan islands in North Maluku who met   marriage. Another book in Jawi was the                of Indonesia as a nation the process
                                   Snouck Hurgronje in Mecca in 1884---    Sabil al-Muhtadin li al-tafaqquh fi amr               when it adopted Malay as the national
                                   is important to record here. As Laffan   al-Din (the Path of the Guided People for            language of Indonesia.

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