Page 8 - P6 Slide Taxation - Lecture Day 3 - VAT Part 2
P. 8

11.3.1. Residential accommodation [s 12(c)] – KL 3

      - Def. s 1 “dwelling”:

      • any building, premises, structure or other place or part


      • predominantly used (> 50%) as place of residence or abode

            by natural person

      • excluding commercial accommodation

      - supply of „ d wellin g ‟ exempt if:

      • supplied ito rental agreement (letting and hiring) or

      • “lodging” or “board and lodging” supplied by employer

            to employee and

            - is benefit of his/her employment or

            - employer operates hostel/boarding establishment for the

                 benefit of his employees (not for profit).


     Par 9 of the 7 Schedule fringe benefits → s 18(3) supply?
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