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P. 172

Chapter 13

               1.2 Quality-related costs

                    The costing system should be capable of identifying and collecting quality cost

                                                     Four types of
                                                      quality cost

                          Conformance costs                           Non-conformance costs

                 PREVENTION:            APPRAISAL:             INTERNAL               EXTERNAL
                                                               FAILURE:               FAILURE:
                 Cost of                Cost of quality
                 preventing             inspection and         Costs arising          Costs arising
                 defects before         testing, e.g.          from a failure to      from a failure to
                 they occur, e.g.       inspection of          meet quality           meet quality
                 employee               incoming supplies      standards.             standards.
                 training, design                              Occurs before          Occurs after
                 costs                                         product has            product has
                                                               reached                reached
                                                               customer, e.g.         customer, e.g.
                                                               cost of reworking      cost of lost
                                                               products               goodwill

                    KPIs should be based on the costs of quality and used as the basis for staff

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