Page 101 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 101
Professional, skilled communicators (sales people):
1. Gather information from their prospect,
2. Match it with a solution,
3. Arrive at an agreement, and
4. Ask for the order.
Simple right? Yes, it is. But it ain’t easy.
Your Unfair Advantage #15:
Selling Is Merely Effective Conversation.
Learn to Listen More Than You Speak.
When You Do Speak, Ask Questions.
It goes against our nature to make ourselves vulnerable and set ourselves up for
rejection or worse… failure.
So how do you teach these professionals (and perhaps you, too) to stop running
from it and plow through and ask for the sale? ….
You make it a game.
Reframe the way you’re looking at it and go have fun. We ask the owners “What
are your PT’s doing in between appointments?” The most common answers were
“Hanging around the front desk” and “Leaning up against the wall, with their
arms folded, kinda like a lifeguard.”
How intimidating to a gym user!
You have a question about exercising and these Baywatch beauties are huddled
up chatting away. It’s intimidating to say the least. So no conversation happens
and no sale takes place.