Page 125 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 125

done. The end result was enough to keep people loyal to the cause.  That’s
                       one of the keys to effective marketing.  Sell the BENEFITS not the

                       Obama did the same thing in 2008 - Yes We Can!  This chant heard at all of
                       his rallies was short and to the point. He was the first President to truly
                       embrace and leverage the power of social media to interrupt, engage and
                       educate the American public with his message. It allowed him to share his
                       vision with a far greater audience than just those watching the nightly news
                       or reading newspapers.

               The winner/loser of the past 3 elections is not the point here.

               The point is HOW TO WIN.

               You are reading this book because you have a business, idea or product you want

               to share with the world.  Get good at marketing and you will succeed.

               You don’t have to be great (Trump proved that) you just need to be better than

               your competition.

               Let’s dig into the How To’s for marketing better.

               Chapter 23.  Pull Them Through the Buying Cycle

               Every purchase ever made, every product ever sold, every money spending

               decision, has a Buying Cycle attached to it.
               The Buying Cycle is the length of time it takes from the time somebody firsts start
               thinking about a product or service, to the time money actually changes hands

               and the purchase occurs.
               There are many different factors that influence the buying cycle and the length

               varies among products and services.
               Let’s take a look at a stick of gum.

               That purchase has a Buying Cycle. It's a short one.

               Standing on line in the supermarket, at the checkout and you look to your right
               and there are all different flavors of gum. You realize your breath is a little stale.
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