Page 130 - My Marketing Sucks Book
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Chapter 24. Who is John Smith and Why Should You Care?
I’d Like You to Meet John Smith
John Smith is going to become your best friend. You’re going to know John Smith
intimately if you want to succeed in business.
In Chapter 12, we shared with you this age old advertising secret…
“If you want to know why John Smith buys, what John Smith buys,
you've got to see the world through John Smith's eyes.”
That saying is from the book ‘My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising’
written in 1923 by one of history’s greatest copywriters and advertisers, Claude
In the book, Hopkins educates us on the fact that people don't want to make the
wrong decision; it’s human nature. The funny thing about nature is, it doesn’t
change very often. It is pretty consistent. Most laws of human nature from the
1920’s are still true in 2017 and will be 100 years from now. Once you figure out
what makes people tick, what makes them excited, what makes them pull their
wallets out and buy, you can rinse and repeat that performance over and over
When you truly see the world through John Smith’s eyes, you develop a deep
sense of empathy. Empathy will carry you far, not only in business but in life. We
built our company on empathy. Our total understanding of a health club owner
fueled our passion and our desire for 13+ years.
Most new companies start to run out of steam between 5 to 7 years. Not us, we
had our biggest growth in those years. Empathy gave us purpose, something
bigger than ourselves, a reason to fight the fight.