Page 129 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 129
buy - they just don't know who they're going to buy from yet.
Now remember, people want to make the decision that is best for them. They
don't want to be wrong and they don't want to be stuck. At this point they start
expanding what they want to know to include social proof and feedback:
● What do you know about this company?
● Have you heard anything bad?
● I want to read testimonials.
● I want to read reports.
● I want to look up their history.
Imagine you captured their information when they FIRST started thinking about
buying; when the idea of the purchase had just entered into their head. You
stayed in touch with her and provided information about your company, your
products/services, links to your website to check out testimonials, proof,
statistics, and of course low-risk offers.
At the same time, you’ve been able to introduce them to yourself, your team, and
your company.
Who do you think they're going to buy from when they get down to X,Y and Z on
the spectrum?
You better flippin’ believe it- it's you.
You Just Crushed Your Competition!
Because you’ve followed the marketing strategies and systems outlined
throughout this book, you will certainly have made the case to your potential
customers that YOU are their BEST option.
Remember - the big money is made when YOU get the attention of, and capture,
everybody at the beginning of the spectrum and nurture them along the way.
Trust us; your competition is asleep at the wheel.
Profit Partners has found this to be THE most effective way to crush your
competition. When you attract not only the ‘buy now’ buyers, but also people
who are just beginning about your product or services, you are able to capture
more people in your net!