Page 133 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 133
Chapter 25. Creating Exponential Growth from Incremental
How Does an Extra $213,000 Sound to You?
Back in chapter 4 we showed you the power of how small, incremental
improvements can create huge, Exponential Growth for you and your business.
You’ll recall the chart demonstrating that just by focusing on improving the 3
ways you can increase your revenue - get more customers, get them spending
more, and lasting longer - is the secret to your future wealth.
Understanding Exponential Growth it really is just a simple math equation. If you
take those three areas and create a 10% improvement in each your bottom line
will actually grow by not 30% - but closer to 70%!
We can't express how important it is for you to apply this concept in your daily
work. Exponential Growth helps you to focus on the importance of your spending
time on projects and systems to improve customer acquisition, retention and
If You Major in the Minors, You’ll Never Go Pro
Create systems everywhere you can to free up your time. Delegate and hold
people accountable if you have a staff. Doing those 2 things alone will make a
profound impact on your life and your success.