Page 135 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 135

on your way to eliminating that horrible feeling of being the best kept secret in

               your community!
               Is Your Website A Money-Making Machine?

               If it’s not, it should be!
               We have looked at thousands of websites in the last 13 years. Some are good,

               many are bad and most just flat out stink! So what makes us say that?
               The number one mistake most businesses make with their website: It suffers
               from a horrendous case of the ‘we’s.  Most website designers are totally clueless

               about marketing. Sure, they can make your site look cool, cutting-edge and funky.
               But sadly, all the content is written from the perspective of the business and NOT
               through John Smith’s eyes! It makes us want to scream at our screens and say
               “You dummy, the website has EVERYTHING to do with the customer and

               NOTHING to do with the business!
               How often do you go to a website and see the following:

                       ●  We are the best…
                       ●  We are the cheapest…
                       ●  We offer great service…
                       ●  We've been doing this a long time…
                       ●  We are great….
                       ●  We, we, we, we, we, we, we … You get the point.

               Great marketing is ALL about what your prospect wants, fears and desires. Early in

               the Buying Cycle they don't give a rat's ass about you. It's still all about THEM.
               A great way to start is to look at your own website and identify everywhere the
               word ‘we’ appears.  Start by replacing those sentences with the word ‘you’ and
               reword it from the perspective of your John Smith.  Speak to their Hot Buttons

               and your Unique Selling Points.
               Time to Fix Your Messaging

               Go grab your Unique Selling Points and your prospects Hot Buttons that you
               created earlier.  You need them for a quick re-write of the Home page of your

               Let’s also use them to quickly and easily fix the way you answer the phone and
               create powerful email messages. You’ll want to create some talking points that
               can be kept near the phone as a reference for your staff to use.  These talking
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