Page 140 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 140
Here’s a summary of how we helped a client get their arms around how drip
marketing can benefit their sales and retention results:
The Key to Increasing Your Client Base by 50% or More…
Actual Case: Gym in a Suburban Location
Identify your Target Market
People who want to look and feel better
Between ages 20 and 70
Live or work within 5 miles of your club
Identify What They are Doing Now to Achieve Results
Doing Nothing (60%)
Belong to another club (10%)
Dieting (plans, pills, doctor) 15%
Workout at home (10%)
Cosmetic Surgery (5%)
Plan Your Drip Marketing Campaign to Capture Everyone
What you need to say,
Who you need to say it to,
How you’re going to say it to them,
When (and how often) they need to hear it!
Know Your Competition
Other health clubs, fitness centers & gyms
Home gyms
Weight Loss Programs & Dieting
You could send the greatest marketing piece ever written
to the right person at the wrong time
and it will land in the garbage.