Page 158 - My Marketing Sucks Book
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shifted.  I began focusing my energy on 1) God,   2) Family, and 3) Business.  I’m
               pretty sure my business used to occupy the #1 spot.  I was earning a comfortable
               living at $150,000+ a year and thought that I had arrived.  I soon realized that
               working 70 hours a week for two of the most ungrateful business owners on the

               planet was not where, or how, I wanted to live the rest of my life.

               I made a commitment that day to start my own company and be there for all the
               key moments of my child’s life.   Within 12 months, I had purchased a new house,
               became a father to my new son, and quit my 6 figure income job.

               Needless to say, the wife and I were quite a bit nervous.  I took my 15 years of
               sales and marketing experience, along with my education and some hope, and set
               out to get my new marketing company started up.  I was determined to commit

               the rest of my life to doing what I love, not just working for a paycheck.

               Over the next year or so, I invested time and money into educating and training
               myself for this new venture.  About a year and $50,000 invested later - I met Allan
               Boushie at a marketing convention in Dallas Texas.  We had two things in
               common. We were both from New Jersey and we were both doing small business
               consulting at the time.  Good enough for me… Let’s rock!

               Within 6 months of that meeting, we started Profit Partners LLC, a national

               marketing firm.  After some preliminary research, we decided to plant our feet
               firmly in the health club industry.  We chose this niche because it was one of the
               few industries that grew EVERY year for the prior 10 years.  It had unlimited
               possibilities and our target owner was an entrepreneur.

               That made for a very appealing beginning.  Fast forward 14 years, we’ve never

               looked back and we’ve grown our company EVERY year since day one.
               Let me introduce you to my business partner, my brother and my friend Allan
               Boushie to get his perspective on the early days.  Allan’s moment of clarity and

               inspiration are also very relatable...

               Like Bob, I also had that singular moment when I knew it was time for a dramatic
               change to the course I was on at the time.

               From all outward appearances, you would have thought I was the luckiest guy on

               the planet. I had a wife and 3 wonderful kids and everyone was healthy. My
               parents and extended family across the country were all doing well.

               A little less than a year prior, I had signed on with a startup out of Boston in the
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