Page 153 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 153

supposed to be doing.  On the other hand, if your website is doing nothing more
               than providing information nobody wants or nobody cares about,  then it’s time

               for change.

               Too often business owners want to change their website because THEY are tired
               of it.  You may login every day, over and over, and become bored with the look
               and feel of your website. You also lose the ability to see your website from the

               perspective of a first time visitor’s point of view.  The new visitor hasn’t been on it
               hundreds of times and hasn’t over analyzed it to death! To them, it’s a brand new

               Sometimes perfectly good websites are trashed for something that sounds better,
               looks cooler, feels slicker - yet it does nothing to convert visitors to leads.

               To build a successful website requires the same insight today that it did to ten
               years ago.  It has to be professional looking, clean, well written, and most of all it
               must speak TO the prospect and not just ABOUT the business.

               Call in the Plastic Surgeon…

               We came to agree with our client her website did not need an overhaul; rather
               merely a facelift.  Looking back over the prior 12 months, we found her site was
               well positioned with the search engines, attracting people in her area who were
               looking for what she offers, generating lots of new prospects from low-risk free

               offers and created more new revenue than the 12 months prior.

               All we did is give the website ‘a fresh coat of paint’, so to speak to give her a new

               look. (She was still tired of the look of his site. We couldn’t shake her of that!)

               The final result saved our client thousands of dollars and weeks of wasted
               time.  Most importantly, none of the aesthetic changes changed the money-

               making results she was getting.  In the end, everyone was happy.

               Why Most Websites Fail To Get Visitors To Do ANYTHING!

               What is the cause of crappy websites?

               The main reason is usually the person (or people) who built the site is either good
               at graphic design, or good at development and coding, or good at writing good
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