Page 155 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 155
4- Sales Training
5- Customer Service
6- Up-selling
7- Drip Marketing
8- Surveys
9- Social Media
10- Website Facelift or Overhaul
We have been using, teaching and implementing every strategic and tactical
strategy we have discussed throughout this book for the past 13 years. None of
this is hype, gimmicks or hope so’s.
We have personally seen these concepts change the lives of the entrepreneurs,
marketing professionals and business owners who have implemented them. Our
clients have received industry and community accolades, financial rewards and
recognition from apply and implementing what we have now shared with you in
this book. We’ve even seen many of them become consultants using the same
things they learned from us and now are getting paid for helping others.
It’s very rewarding to see people succeed and know you had a part in that
In closing, I want to ask you one simple question: Are you happy with the results
you see from your marketing and sales efforts and satisfied with the ROI and
current growth of your business?
If so, I applaud you and thank you for your time on this written journey together.
If you’re not so lucky, we challenge you to use the processes and programs we
have explored together.