Page 157 - My Marketing Sucks Book
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You Are Where You Are Because of One Decision.
I don’t know which was racing faster - my mind or my heart. It was a beautiful
morning in September 2001. One of the days after 9:00am when I was in my
office in Edison NJ, on the phone with one my clients in Jersey City.
We were confirming the training we are about to deliver at the facility in the
Cigna building, which overlooks the New York City skyline. Right in mid-sentence,
she screams into my headset “I have go!!! A bomb just went off in the Trade
Within minutes, l found out it was two airplanes that crashed into Towers One
and Two in the World Trade Center Complex as I was standing outside my office
building discussing the disturbing news with co-workers and complete strangers.
In 2001, there were not millions of people tweeting in real time, so the delay in
getting the real story seemed like an eternity. As we stood there, we were
watching black smoke fill the sky. We were in utter disbelief. Like many other
people that day - it changed my life forever.
My wife was 8 months pregnant with our only child. The feelings and thoughts
that followed were all new to me. I had no reference point to process what was
going on. By 10:30am, I was driving home as if I was needed there to save a life. I
broke every speed limit to get there.
When I arrived home, I just stared at the TV which was broadcasting videos of the
planes and spewing out theories of what was happening. They announced there
were other planes that were hijacked, heading for targets in Washington DC. The
world had stopped spinning and nothing made sense anymore. The need to be
with family and loved ones was never felt as strong as it was that morning.
As time went on following the horrific attacks, my priorities had completely