Page 149 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 149

preferences and actions. We can broadly define Social Media as anywhere people

               go to express their feelings, experiences and opinions.

               The most popular social media outlets today include FaceBook, twitter, YouTube,

               Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ Hangouts, SnapChat, KIK, and Blog sites.

               You need to find out where your ‘Tribe’ frequents and make it part of your
               marketing system.

               Many business owners avoid this step for two reasons:
                    1) They don’t understand it.

                    2) They are afraid of the negative rants.

               Here’s the thing, people are going to talk about your business, whether you’re
               paying attention or not.  You might as well make yourself part of the


               By inserting yourself in the mix, you can squash the haters quickly.  Your tribe will
               join you and defend you when you do the right thing.  There is nothing to fear
               here.  Matter of fact, it’s the opposite.  There has never been a more powerful

               way to level the playing field in your market than with social media.

               It is the great equalizer.

               Find Out Where Your Customers Hang Out and Go Visit Them (Online, of Course)

               We have a client named Sam.  He has a business in Texas with less than 20
               employees.  He runs a quality fitness center, catering to everyone who wants to
               improve their health and fitness level.  Sam is a master of social media.

               As a matter of fact, we always use some of his techniques as guides for our other
               clients to follow.  Sam has a social media formula that he follows generate leads,
               create sales, promote his results and keep his clients longer. It takes about 10
               minutes a day to manage.

               Here is a peek at his simple strategy:

                       ●  Every day, Sam posts a picture on Facebook and Instagram of a happy
                          client getting great results in his club.
                       ●  He found that doing this resulted in many people both Liking and
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