Page 146 - My Marketing Sucks Book
P. 146
Compared to print ads, Google Pay-Per-Click Ads (PPC) are VERY cost-effective.
We built our company on AdWords. One important suggestion, you want to go
into Google AdWords and PPC on a temporary basis. Your goal is to get your non-
paid listing (organic) to rise over time to the first page. People are more likely to
click an organic listing listed near the top, than a similar paid ad.
Organic Listing - Once our website and keywords were properly set up, we placed
in the number one spot organically for about ten years. Our most important
keyword was ‘Health Club Marketing’ and we worked hard maintaining our
dominant position. We didn’t need to keep paying to be on page one - since we
were getting that traffic for free.
It’s the same with your Company Name. We see so many businesses paying for
their own company name as a keyword in Google AdWords, when they are
already in the number one spot. Save your money!
Page one only has room for 8 to 10 organic listings. You want to be one of them.
Visitors have this trust factor for companies they see here. Google works hard at
not being tricked by keyword stuffing and other ‘black-hat’ marketing tricks.
When (not if) they find you are doing this, they will literally ban you forever from
showing up at all.
Local Listing – This used to be Google Maps, then Google Local and as of today it’s
called Google My Business. It is powerful, especially in the world of handheld
devices. It will bring up your own personal local page. It’s short and to the point.
But importantly: You must first (1) Claim it! (2) Complete it and (3) Keep it up to
date. This is CRITICAL for you to activate as soon as possible. It will enable you to
have powerful ‘one click’ features like ‘Click to Call’ and ‘Directions’. Your Google
Listing in Google My Business allows photos, videos, contact information, and
even room for your Elevator Pitch. It’s like your own online commercial!
Once set up, make sure you have your customers log on and give you as many
positive reviews as you can. Positive reviews give your prospective customers a
nice sense of trust and also gives your business credibility over others with no
reviews - or only negative ones. Use your new marketing knowledge and make
your listing stand out from the rest! Use it to drive traffic to you and generate