Page 34 - EALC C306/505
P. 34


                   context and parallelism still allow the reader to understand the deep structure. The
                   formula encountered here could easily have been rendered:

                                      [Voc.: 若 rùo: (Conj) if; (V) to resemble]

                   but the latter would lack the rhetorical punch provided by the snappy phrases that begin
                   with two parallel uses of 其.  (By the way, can you state what 其 signifies here? There is
                   more than one viable answer.)

                                                         Written Exercises

                   1.     君何言

                   2.     君何以言

                   3.     君命不善則臣何以對

                   4.     君命不善忠臣不從

                   5.     翟黃為人直矣君命不善則黃言其惡

                   6.     臣不直則君如之何

                   7.     文侯曰與任座言則聞之不倦與群臣言則唯思退矣

                   8.     齊王問孟子曰君臣如之何孟子對曰為君求仁則臣無不忠

                   9.     翟黃言其君之不善君是以逐之

                   10.    君棄忠臣則必亡矣

                   11.    中山伐魏文侯怒召其上卿而問如之何

                   12.    或曰堯舜非聖者也孟子聞其語而曰無知者之言也

                   13.    孟子至中山求見其君有人曰何以欲見君曰欲直言仁道
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