Page 37 - EALC C306/505
P. 37
孔 kǒng (N) Surname
孔子 Kǒngzǐ: Confucius
侍 shì (V) to serve, to be in attendance; (Adv) in attendance
於 yú (Prep) a flexible preposition that can serve as: to, at, from, through,
etc. (see Grammar 4.1)
季 jì (N) surname; fourth-born; season
孫 sun (N) grandson
季孫 Jìsun: Compound surname of grandee family of Lǔ 魯 (a
Zhou period state and Confucius’s homeland)
宰 zăi (N) steward, chief-of-staff, manager
通 tong (V) to get through, to reach to [often in sense of communication, as
in gaining access to a ruler]
使 shǐ (CV) to order someone to do something, to make something
假 jǐa (V) to borrow
馬 mă (N) a horse
其 qí *(Adv) suggesting likelihood or desirability of following verb
與 yǔ *(V) to give
乎 hu (Particle) interrogative particle
取 qǔ (V) to take, to appropriate, to commandeer
謂 wèi (V) to refer to as, to characterize
悟 wù (Intransitive V) to become awakened [here, to a truth]
告 gào (V) to tell, to report