Page 35 - EALC C306/505
P. 35


                   14.    任座非義不為

                   15.    寡人非樂仁義樂干戈者也

                   Supplementary Exercise Vocabulary

                          命      mìng  (N) an order, a command, fate, one’s allotted lifespan; (V) to issue
                                         an order

                          惡      è       (Adj/SV) bad, evil

                                         N.B. 惡 is a 破音字 with three common pronunciations, all
                                         frequently encountered: 惡 wù: (V) to hate; wu: (Question word)
                                         how, wherein

                          唯      wéi     (Adv) only; (Particle) an initial rhetorical particle without meaning

                          思      si     (V) to ponder, to think, to miss or long for (someone or some place)

                          退      tùi     (V) to retire (from a place), to retreat

                          齊      qí      (N) a feudal state in ancient China

                          或      hùo     (Pronoun) someone; (Adv.) perhaps

                          語      yǔ      (N) speech, saying, words

                          見      jìan    (V) to see; to receive in audience
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