Page 50 - EALC C306/505
P. 50


                          a. [先王]以[至德要道]順天下

                          “[The former kings] by means of [utmost virtue pivotal Way] made compliant all
                          the world.”

                          b.   民用[=以][先王之順天下者]和睦

                          “The people, on account of [the former kings’ making compliant the world], were
                          in harmonious cooperation.”

                   In a. the subject is implicit (先王), whereas it is explicit in b. (民). The similar verbs 以
                   and 用 turn out to have very different implicit objects. The verb in a. is transitive with an
                   object; in b. it is a binomial stative verb (和睦).

                   In the case of this passage, the likely error into which false parallelism may guide the reader
                   is the assumption that the objects of 以 and 用 are identical (that is: 至德要道).

                   5.3 The use of sǔo 所

                   No single word causes more confusion than 所. There is no reason why this should be so.
                   Sǔo performs a simple grammatical function and is used with great consistency.

                   Basically, 所 acts as a substitute for the object of a verb; it precedes that verb, and in
                   doing so, creates a noun phrase denoting “that which is Verbed”. A 所 sentence often
                   represents the transformation of a straightforward S-V-O sentence into a sentence with a
                   complex noun as subject and a predicate which either identifies or characterizes that
                   subject. Here is an example of how 所 transforms a simple sentence:

                                 吾  教  王
                                 wú jiao wáng   “I instruct the king.”
                                 S   V  O

                                   吾 所 教  者        王 也
                                 wú sǔo jiao zhĕ,  wáng yĕ  “He whom I instruct is the king.”
                                 |____________|  |______|
                                   nominal subj.       predicate

                   The use of 所 allows the writer to refer to an object whose name is unknown, or whose
                   identity he wishes to withhold:

                                 汝 所 教 者  誰 也
                                 rǔ sǔo jiao zhĕ, shéi yĕ     “Who is it whom you teach?”
                                 [Voc.: 誰 shéi (Pronoun) who]
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