Page 76 - EALC C306/505
P. 76
Written Exercises
A. Translate into English:
1. 詩雖曰無念爾祖亦不可從之若從之則不孝矣
2. 不學禮義焉得立身
3. 葉忽黃且落秋豈已至哉
4. 金石人所寶也仁義聖所寶也
5. 孟子雖已得上卿之爵亦憂其君未仁故夜不能寐
6. 客將歸遇大雨走於奇樹下而止焉
7. 夫久不歸婦不顧路之長而行求之
8. 與君未婚時妾唯知樂今與君別離心憂日已多
9. 我道長悠悠我力何足行路中止且息四顧何茫茫
10. 夫婦之道也人皆學之於父母雖然父常遊而不顧反則其子所學者非正
Translate into Chinese, using the grammatical features indicated:
A. Using sǔo 所
1. Don’t take the things I love.
2. I very much hate what Confucians teach.
3. The person I encountered was the one I was thinking of.
B. Using partitive zhi 之
4. Sons who are not filial are beasts.
5. I do not delight in trees with no strange branches.
6. Travelers who do not think of returning [home]: what can one do about them?