Page 71 - EALC C306/505
P. 71
邁 mài (V) to set forth
悠 you (SV) distant
悠悠 youyou: (SV reduplicated binome) distant
涉 shè (V) to cross [originally applied to crossing rivers and streams]
四顧 sì gù (Adv-V) to look all around (see Grammar 7.8 below)
何 hé *(Intensifying Adv) how SV!
茫 máng (SV) indistinct
茫茫 mángmáng: (SV reduplicated binome) indistinct, a blur,
搖 yáo (V) to wave, sway
草 căo (N) grass, grasses
遇 yù (V) to encounter (unexpectedly)
故 gù *(Adj) old, familiar [a frequent allograph for gǔ 古, especially in
the compounds gùxiang: 故鄉: hometown; gùrén 故人: old friend
or acquaintance, where this form is standard]
焉 yan (Interrogative adverb) where, wherein, in what respect (functions
like interrogative an 安; (Terminal prepositional particle) at the
end of a sentence yan is a fusion of the words yú zhi 於之: (Prep.
phrase) therein.
得 dé *(V) to be able [to] [roughly equivalent to néng 能 in this sense]
速 sù (Adv) fast, quickly
盛 shèng (Adj/SV) flourishing
衰 shuai (Adj/SV) decrepit; (V) to grow old and decrepit; to degenerate
盛衰 shèngshuai: youth and age
苦 kǔ (Adj/SV) bitter; (N) bitterness; (V) to feel bitter about