Page 35 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
P. 35

St. John the Baptist
                                                      Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                      tRuMBuLL, ct

                                                      Parish Picnics & Blessing of Children’s Back Packs
                                                      St. John parish enjoyed two picnics over the last few months, one
                                                      held on Sunday, June 9 and the other on Sunday, September 8.
                                                      The weather was beautiful, so all were able to enjoy activities
                                                      outdoors. Children’s backpacks were blessed after Liturgy on
                                                      September 8. Thank you GCU for your generous Parish Social
                                                      Grant program that assisted with these activities.
                                                      Lillian Baron | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

               St. Basil the Great
               Byzantine Catholic Church
               steRLIng HeIgHts, MI

               Annual Night at the Ballpark
               An evening of fun and friendship was
               enjoyed at St. Basil’s Annual Night at the
               Ballpark at Jimmy John’s Field in Utica, MI
               on Friday, August 2. A total of 42 attendees
               came to cheer on the Utica Unicorns vs
               the Eastside Hoppers which was followed
               by a spectacular fireworks display. With


                                                        Andy Cipa, Rich Schafer, Kate Kloss, Pam Schafer, Nick Kovalcik, Anita &
                                                        Drew Cipa with Jamie & Addison Kovalcik in front.

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