Page 31 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
P. 31

St. Mary
          Byzantine Catholic Church
          HAzLeton, PA

          Anniversary of Founding of the Church
          The 135  Anniversary of the founding of
          St. Mary BC Church was held on August
          25, 2024 with a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
          led by Bishop Kurt Burnett and area clergy.
          Light refreshments were available to all in
          attendance before proceeding to a banquet.
          Thank you to the GCU Parish Social Grant for
          the financial assistance for the event.       SS. Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                        BeAveR MeAdows, PA
          Rick Hoppey | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
                                                        Beginning of ECF Student Year
                                                        On Sunday, September 15 the ECF students from SS. Peter &
                                                        Paul Church enjoyed a GCU provided meal at the beginning
          St. Michael                                   of their school year studies. Father Vasyl Chepelskyy is pastor
                                                        of the church. ECF instructors are Dr. Marisue Rayno, Denise
          Byzantine Catholic Church                     Daniels and cantor Mike Komishock.
          FLusHIng, MI
                                                        Michael Komishock | Byzantine Parish Coordinator
          Dormition Celebration
          On Saturday, August 17, St. Michael Parish
          celebrated the Dormition with a Liturgy and
          a parish picnic that followed. The picnic was
          enjoyed by all despite the rain. Ice cream dessert
          was provided by the GCU Parish Social Grant.

          Pat Chartier | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                           St. Pius X Byzantine Catholic Church
                                           PIttsBuRgH, PA

                                           Patriotic Social Honoring Ann Danchenka’s 101  birthday
                                           An early Labor Day patriotic social was held after Saturday evening Liturgy
                                           on August 24. The social honored long-time member, Ann Danchenka who
                                                                                            turned 101 in August.
                                                                                            Prizes were given to
                                                                                            those in attendance
                                                                                            who dressed
                                                                                            patriotically. Thanks
                                                                                            to the GCU Parish
                                                                                            Social Grant program
                                                                                            for funding the event.
                                                                                            Kim Kolesar | Byzantine
                                                                                            Parish Coordinator
             Ann Danchenka with Parish Coordi-
             nator Kim Kolesar.

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