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GCU Supported Parish Events

          Holy Trinity Byzantine Catholic Church
          sYKesvILLe, PA

                                             Trinity Feast Day
                                             Holy Trinity parish
                                             celebrated their
                                             feast day on
                                             Pentecost Sunday.
                                             The Divine Liturgy
                                             was followed by
                                             honoring five children   Holy Trinity Sykesville High School graduates.
                                             receiving their First
                                             Reconciliation: Melia Bukowski, Charlee Mottern, Abbey Sweka, Lucy Baccelli
                                             and Riley Murone. (missing from the photo at left is Charlee Mottern). Four
                                             high school graduates were also honored: Laken Lashinsky, Noah Sawtelle
                                             and Tyson & Jonny Kennis. A delicious roast beef dinner was then served by
                                             the Social Committee.
       First Reconciliation on Pentecost Sunday at Holy
       Trinity with Fr. Vasyl Banyk and Deacon Luke

                                                               Picnic fun!

                   Parish Picnic
                   A beautiful day was enjoyed by the parish   various competitive games and ended with a
                   families at the annual picnic held at Sykesville   “treasure hunt” in the sawdust pile! We sadly
                   Park on Sunday, July 21. Our trusty cooks   bade farewell to Fr. Vasyl Banyk and his family
                   provided us with grilled hamburgers and hot   as they move on to Greensburg, PA and ask
                   dogs cooked to perfection and everyone     God to Bless them always. Thanks to the GCU
                   attending brought a variety of delicious foods   Parish Social Grant for assisting with funding
                   and desserts. The children entertained all with   for both of these events.

                                                               Teresa Kennis | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

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