Page 34 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
P. 34


          St. John
          Byzantine Catholic Church
          Pottstown, PA

          School of Religion/ECF First Day of Class
          The students of the ECF/School of Religion
          program at St. John Church held their first day
          of class on Sunday, September 8, 2024 which
          included a group picture. The GCU Parish
          Social Grant supplied special treats (donuts and
          water) for the students, Catechists and parents.
          There are 25 students and 14 Catechists in the
          ECF/SOR program. Rev. Nicholas de Prospero
          is pastor at St. John and thanked all for their
          participation. Fran Petro and Alex Riebe are
          ECF/SOR co-coordinators and GCU members.

          Alex Riebe | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                                               St. Mary Assumption
                                                               Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                               new sALeM, PA

                                                                                         Blessing of Fruit
                                                                                         For the feast of the
                                                                                         Transfiguration, as a
                                                                                         tradition, Father Ragan
                                                                                         blessed fruit at St. Mary
                                                                                         Assumption Church. At
                                                                                         the end of the Liturgy
       Parishioners with the beautiful blessed flowers.
                                                                                         on Tuesday, August 6,
                                                                                         parishioners were given
                         Blessing of Flowers                                             small bags of blessed
                         For the patronal feast day                                      grapes to be enjoyed at
                         of the Assumption, small                                        home. Thank you GCU
                         individual bouquets of a                                        Social Grant Program for
                         variety of flowers were                                         funding both of these
                         blessed by Father Ragan,                                        beautiful traditions.
                         assisted by altar server
                         Rich Kormanik on Thursday,                                      Bernadette Karoffa | Byzantine
                         August 15. The parishioners                                     Parish Coordinator
                         were then given the blessed
                         flowers to take home.

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