Page 33 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
P. 33

St. Gregory Byzantine Catholic Church
          uPPeR st. cLAIR, PA

                                                                    The ceremonial burning of the church mortgage.

           Blessing ECF teachers and students.

          Celebration at
          St. Gregory Church
          On the Sunday after       our ECF teachers
          the Exaltation of the     & students and
          Holy Cross, September     witnessed the
          15, 2024, St. Gregory     ceremonial
          Parish commemorated       burning of the
          the Anniversary of the    church mortgage.
          Church’s Consecration.    Following these
          Parishioners welcomed     events all in
          Very Reverend Andrew J.   attendance
          Deskevich, protosyncellus   enjoyed a
          of the Archeparchy        delicious lunch
          of Pittsburgh as the      and fellowship in
          main celebrant of the     the church hall.
          Divine Liturgy and        Outside, a petting
          homilist for this special   zoo was a big hit with the   toward this wonderful
          occasion. In addition the   children, teens and adults   parish gathering.
          parish celebrated the     alike. Thank you to the
          opening of the school     GCU Parish Social Grant    Dorothy Mayernik | Byzantine
          year with the blessing of   for contributing funds   Parish Coordinator

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