Page 8 - Osprey Binder
P. 8

                                              UNITED KINGDOM

               About the Immersion test-

               Any driver (Pilot) racing in a powerboat that uses a restraint system has to perform
               the Immersion test. This test will provide training and a simulation of being in an
               overturned boat. Each test takes around forty-five seconds. All drivers (Pilot`s)
               performed the test three times, once where you can open your eyes without air, the
               second with air and the third with air and wearing blacked out goggles to simulate
               dark water.
               All drivers (Pilot`s) will be trained on open circuit breathing apparatus prior to the
               Immersion test.
               This will consist of approximately 45min / 60min Microdive RYA Basic Diver Course.


               Having been made aware of the UIM procedure for Immersion Testing,
               The Osprey Powerboat Rescue Team has revised their testing procedure.
               Enclosed within this document are the new requirements and procedures for the
               drivers (Pilots).

               The Test Rig-

               The test rig should simulate a reinforced cockpit as closely as possible.
               It must be possible to turn the cockpit over in such a way that the drivers (Pilot`s)
               strapped inside, is totally immersed in water.
               The cockpit must have the following:
               An opening no larger than found in a normal reinforced cockpit, with cockpit sides no
               lower than the drivers (Pilot`s) shoulders.
               A drivers (Pilot`s) harness as per UIM rule 509.
               A detachable steering wheel as per UIM rule 509.

               Personal equipment-

               The drivers (Pilot`s) must wear the following personal equipment:
               Race suit.
               Shoes or Trainers.
               Gloves (if normally used by the drivers (Pilot`s)
               Helmet + FHR (Hans Device)
               Life jacket / Cell Suit

               Additional Equipment-

               Air source – Tiger System / Lifeline System / Spare air or Demand valve, full air cylinders will
               be provide if necessary.
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