Page 9 - Osprey Binder
P. 9


               The organisers of the test must ensure that the persons assisting are capable of
               evacuating the drivers (Pilot) rapidly in case the drivers (Pilot)  himself is unable to
               do so. There must be a person qualified in resuscitation present during the whole
               test. Every sequence of the test will be explained to the drivers (Pilot) beforehand.

               Performing the test-

               The test shall be performed according to the following sequence:
               Complete Roll Over, wearing all equipment, harness fastened, canopy fastened (if
               used) without air.
               Complete Roll Over, wearing all equipment, harness fastened, canopy fastened (if
               used) with air.
               Complete Roll Over, wearing all equipment, harness fastened, canopy fastened (if
               used) with air and blacked out goggles or in dark water.
               The above tests will be with either the cockpit canopy cover on or off, depending on
               the drivers (Pilot’s) race boat configuration.

               Performance evaluation-

               The test is deemed to be successful when the drivers (Pilot`s) are able to maintain
               composure and reaches the surface within thirty seconds - unless on air. The drivers
               (Pilot`s) must not move, until the diver in the water observing them has indicated that
               they can now make their escape by tapping them on the shoulder.
               Please note that all tests will include demonstrating the drivers (Pilot`s) ability to use
               the air supply successful under water for approximately 30 seconds in simulated
               accident conditions.

               Test Guidelines-

               The driver will be overturned in the cockpit; the covering safety diver will observe the
               driver (Pilot`s) when they are satisfied that they using their air system correctly.
               The safety diver will time the driver for approximately 30 seconds.
               They will then tap the drivers (Pilot`s) shoulder.
               They will then make their escape using the following guidelines under supervision of
               the safety diver.

               The sequence will be as follows-

               Driver will release the canopy open the canopy.
               Driver will remove the steering wheel.
               Driver will release the seat belt harness.
               Driver will place hands on side of canopy and forward roll out the cockpit and swim
               to the surface.

               Failure of each test can be by the following points-

               Moving before diver taps the driver.
               Failure to release either the canopy catches, steering wheel or seat belt harnesses.
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