Page 23 - AGM 2021 Booklet_Flipbook
P. 23

Earlier this year I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak at one of the

            three Dairy Women’s Network (DWN) conferences about this very thing. To be fair,
            it was just meant to be a bit of an intro, but on the spur of the moment I decided
            to embrace the conference theme of “Step Up Together”. I shared my own story
            about the mental health challenges my son had faced and although this was

            difficult, the level of support I received afterwards was nothing short of amazing.
            I guess it highlights that blokes like myself, who grew up with role models who
            didn’t exactly encourage sharing stories of this nature, can break the mould and
            show vulnerability without fear of being judged or even worse judging ourselves!

            I put my positive experience down to DWN’s ability to create an environment that
            inspires and empowers people in the dairy industry. DWN is one of Meridian’s
            premier sponsorships and we hold this relationship in high regard. We look
            forward to another great year together in 2022.

            Stay safe everyone and if you are experiencing any mental health issues, I
            encourage you to have 30 seconds of courage and reach out to someone for help,
            or just to have a yarn and get it off your chest.



                                                                       Annual General Meeting 2021           23
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