Page 24 - AGM 2021 Booklet_Flipbook
P. 24

From the Desks of Xero, Figured & PaySauce

            Cam Anderson
            Head of Strategic Verticals and Partnerships, Xero

            John Gibson
            General Manager Australia and New Zealand, Figured

            Asantha Wijeyeratne
            Executive Director and CEO, PaySauce
            As we draw to the end of 2021 and reflect on the year that has been, our collective
            collaboration with Dairy Women’s Network has represented the strength in
            ecosystems and the power of investing in digital solutions.

            While the last few months of 2021 have been turbulent following an outbreak
            of Delta in New Zealand, it has been encouraging to see the lessons we learned
            last year put into practice when the country moves back into an Alert Level Four
            lockdown. Where possible, businesses pivoted - often with increased digitalisation
            - to simplify admin, operate more efficiently, future proof their business and drive
            profitability through integrated technology.

            Being bogged down in admin was never part of any farmer’s plan when they
            started out, however, using digital tools and solutions that are available to the
            industry is essential to increase efficiencies and reduce the associated stress that
            comes with unnecessary paperwork.

            Many New Zealand farms are using Xero, Figured and PaySauce to help drive
            improvements in productivity, profitability, and sustainability, with financial data
            flowing in automatically from Xero’s accounting software.

            But there are still so many more people that could benefit from a clearer picture
            of their farm’s financial health. With all the challenges dairy farmers face, from
            environmental planning to skill shortages, we want to make it easy for everyone to
            access accurate data, to see their options and more confidently plan for the future.

            As 2022 fast approaches, our goal for the coming year is to continue empowering
            dairy farmers to be digital first - automating admin, better understanding their
            numbers and giving them more time to do the things they love.

            While we can’t predict exactly what the next few years will bring, there will almost
            certainly be more challenges in the road ahead. There’s never been a better
            time for farmers to explore the wide range of apps available to them and to start
            learning on tools that make their lives easier.

            We’ve had fun working with the Dairy Women’s Network leadership team this
            year, and would like to say a big thank you to Zellara and Jules in particular for
            exemplifying collaboration in action.

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