Page 10 - The Circle of Life
P. 10

Specific meaning of words

               Before  we  continue  I  need  to  explain  the  meaning  of  certain  words  used  with
               boring  regularity  in  the  following  pages.  The  list  is by no means complete as I

               explained the meaning as far as possible in this book as well.

               American  Patriot  means  the  authors  better  half  and  soul  mate.  An  American
               Patriot who works for the U.S. Navy and the motivation for all his books. She is
               very smart, beautiful and cute.

               Antenuptial  agreement  means  a  contract  signed  before  marriage to regulate

               the marriage dispensation  and property rights. Some call it a pre-nup.

               Common law wife means where two people live together as man and  wife and

               have  the  intention  to  be  man  and  wife.  It  is  based  upon  the  common  law

               partnership  and  has  grave  consequences  on  debt.  These  days  it  will  be
               applicable to gay and lesbian relationships  also.

               Contract  also  means  agreement.  It  may be in writing or not but must comply
               with  the  essentials  of  a  contract  under  law.  Your  antenuptial  or  pre-nup  is  a


               Creditor  means whoever you owe money to whether it is a bank or loan shark
               or  you  wife.  It  means  the  person  or  entity  you  exposed  your  life  to  and  are

               subjected to their whims and bad attitude.

               Death  certificate  means  the  official  document  showing  the  cause  and  date  of
               death of a human being.

               Engagement  to  be  married  or  betrothal  means  an  understanding  between
               two people (in some countries between a man and a woman only) to get married

               in the future and live as man and wife in the fullest sense of the word. I use the
               two  words  as  if  it  has  the  same  meaning  but  in  some  jurisdictions  there  is  a

               difference which is so slight that I fail to understand it. This eBook is not meant
               to be a technical legal document.

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