Page 11 - The Circle of Life
P. 11

He means she. There being no difference in equality of the sexes under law as it

               should  be.  Being  a  man  I  usually  use  the  male  persona  in  my  books  but  it  is
               equally applicable on the tougher sex too.

               Hounds  from  hell mean the debt collectors coming after you when you default
               on your repayments. It is not meant to be derogative but descriptive only for the

               way  they  keep  on  and  on  and  on.  It  does  not  imply in any way that they are
               indeed  children  of  satan  for  they are only doing their job and a tough one it is


               I  mean me, the author or his legal advisory JKLS Africa. Also referred to as "us
               or we."

               Judge also means a Magistrate. In other words the person who gives the verdict
               in a trial.

               Law of delict means an unlawful injury done to you which caused you harm for

               which  you  want  compensation.  Breach  of  promise  will be a delict under certain

               Lawyer  means  practising  attorneys  and  advocates  and  I  use  the  word  in  the
               general  sense  which  includes  both  in  the  American  sense  of  the  word.  The

               author was one for 8 years.

               Legal  Advisor  means  a  qualified  lawyer  or  company  legal  advisor  but  not
               necessarily  a  practising  attorney  or  advocate.  The  author  would qualify for this

               title if he so chooses but prefers the term risk expert for his legal consultancy is
               not only into law which is very boring for sane people.

               Legal  Justice has the same meaning as legal Justice taught at law faculties but
               in  this  sense  more  practical.  In  other  words  not  some  obscure  dream  but

               something practical for the client to correct the wrongs done to him.

               Long  haired  liberals  mean  the  liberals  who  took  human  rights  to  such
               ridiculous  lengths  that  lynch  justice  are  now  appearing.  Not  meant  to  be

               derogatory. It is said affectionately. We need them to cause havoc now and then
               or life may be boring. The authors' pet dislike in life.

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