Page 14 - The Circle of Life
P. 14

Chapter 1

               A few words to my readers & indemnities

               It  is  always  fascinating  to  see  how  a  couple  in  love  reacts  when  you  discuss

               divorce  with  them  before  they  get  married.  Some  look  at  you  in  horror  and

               others  with  incredulity.  All  dismiss  the  very  idea  of  divorce  as  plain  crazy  and
               frankly irresponsible if not totally inappropriate. Many said to me I will bring bad
               luck  to  them  by  discussing  this  topic  and  made  the  sign  of  the  cross  in  my

               direction which I am prone to believe is a blessing. I hope so anyway for I would

               not like to think otherwise that it may be to ward of the curse known as me.

               * The cross sign is alien to my Afrikaner culture. We simply don't do such things

               and we almost never kneel in public for prayer either. It is though expected for
               the men to stand up with bowed heads and most certainly without a silly hat on

               your head.

               Others  mutter  oaths  of  the  wrong  kind  under  their  breath  and  give  me  dirty
               looks  designed  to  bring  the  message  home  that  I  am  a  middle  age  twice

               divorced fellow who forgot all about love years ago and now want to spoil their
               happiness!  That  by  the  way  is  simply  not  true.  I  believe  in  love  and  am  very

               much  in  love  with  my  American  Patriot  who  is  cute  and  beautiful  and  super
               smart.  Never been this happy in my life! Unfortunately statistics proves beyond

               any  doubt  that  your  chances  of  not  getting  divorced  are  one  out  of  three.  In
               other  more  negative  terms  you  have  almost  a  seventy  percentage  chance  of

               making  divorce  lawyers  richer  at  some  stage  in  your  life.  It  makes  for  sad

               Seventy percent against you is terrible odds in any language and the worst thing
               about  this  is  that  your  second  marriage  is  even  more  prone  to  disaster  as

               statistics shows a second marriage, probably because of baggage, is the one you
               end the quickest (mine lasted a year). As you probably already know, in life, the

               first  time  round  is  always  the  worst  except  parachuting  unless  you  are  an

               adrenaline junkie or something polite people avoid.

               *  Yeah  I  had  a  few  comments  about  this  paragraph  from  the  parachutists

               amongst my readers. Sorry about that - it was meant to be a joke and not as an

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