Page 15 - The Circle of Life
P. 15

insult.  I  jumped  myself  in  younger  days  and  so  do  my  American  Patriot  when

               she  thinks  I  am  not looking. It is in one of my books...I believe in  Your Worst
               Enemy I might have mentioned it.

               The  other  day  a  time-honoured  client  sat  in  my  office  with  his  grown-up  son
               asking advice on the legal consequences of getting married. Now if you know my

               ways  you  will  know  that  I  have  serious  reservations  on  a  father  &  son  client
               combination  and  usually dismiss them as a scam before they even start talking

               business. Indeed we discussed this type of scam in my free book Tricks of Trade
               - Memories of a Rogue Lawyer.

               * That book dealt with what forensic law (my field) is and the classic scams my

               clients  are  subjected  to  in  Africa.  In  case  you  have  not  had  time  or  the
               inclination to read it (not that I blame you for law is very boring for sane people

               to start with) I will have you know that one of the best scams is where a grey
               hair  dad  and  his  hideous  son  approach  you  (always  with  the  Bible  under  the

               arm) to do business. Never once failed to lose money in such cases! Run away is
               my advice across the board. These types have done my clients in so many times

               that I habitually refuse to even talk to them.

               This was different though! I knew these  clients  from way back and the son who

               was  groomed  for  years  to  take  over  his  dad's  business  as it should be. It was
               very  obvious  that  he  was  very  much  in  love  with  the  Chosen One (also sitting

               there)  holding  hands  and  beaming  at  the  world.  Quite  nice  that  was  too  for

               couples in love tends to bless everyone around them in my experience. However
               I admit I was a bit flabbergasted as to their lack of distrust in each other or let
               me rather say in the circle of life of which they never heard of before. Made me

               feel my age that did.

               Thus  I  gave  a  long  talk  (I  am  paid  by  the  minute  you  know)  on  the  legal
               consequences  of  marriage  and  relationships  in  general.  As  with  any  contract  I

               started with the divorce procedures much to their alarm and I think it was only
               good  manners  which  made them listen in respectful silence and even invite me

               to their wedding. At least they did not make the sign of the cross in front of me
               though  I  saw  something  suspiciously  comparable  on  the  security  cameras  after

               they walked out shaking their heads to their truck parked in the yard.

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