Page 13 - The Circle of Life
P. 13

as  oppose  the  SAPS  more  civilian  orientation.  It  had  about  130  000  heavily

               armed men and women spread all over South Africa.

               Sheriffs  mean  the  messengers  of  the  courts.  They have  no police functions or

               authority  whatsoever  and  only  exist  to  serve  paper or pleadings and assist the
               plaintiff with attachments. Many are former Police officers and since they are not

               part  of  your  problems  with  your  soon  to  be  ex  they  should  be  treated  with

               Singular  means  plural  where  needed  and  vice  versa  depending on the normal

               use of the words contextually.

               The  law  is  neutral  means  that  equality  before  the law is guaranteed in most

               countries which make the law neutral. It works as well for you as against you. It
               also  mean  that  if  it  wants  you  to  do  something  positive  like  signing  a  will  to

               make it lawful then you have to do so.

               Your worst enemy means your bank or other creditors who you owe money to
               and  is  in  a  professional  relationship  based  on  sincere  mutual  distrust  from  day

               one.  They  should  be  treated  with  considerable  suspicion.  Also  called  banksters
               for obvious reasons!

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