Page 12 - The Circle of Life
P. 12
Marriage certificate means the document given to you by the marriage officer
as prove of your marriage. You will need it at divorce also
Marriage in community of property means a dispensation from the common
law where a joint estate is formed with the parties as joint administrators which
simply mean both of you are now the owners of one estate where your combined
assets are thrown into.
Marriage officer means the official appointed by the government who are able
to marry you legally. Not all Reverends and religious Ministers have such
authority and you must ensure they do or you marriage may not be lawful.
Marriage out of community of property without accrual means two
separate estates and no risk to be held liable for the other spouse's debts and no
accrual meaning at divorce each spouse takes what is his and walk away. It is
very unfair toward the lesser income / growth spouse.
Marriage out of community with accrual means two separate estates and no
risk to be held liable for the other spouse's debts but at divorce the growth in
the two estates is calculated and the lesser one is entitled to one half of the
difference in growth. It is the only fair system to be married on.
Rule 43 Application means an application to the High Court for interim
maintenance before the divorce is finalised. It is to level the playing fields and
not expensive. Impractical of course if the other side does not have money to
SAP COIN means South African Police Counter-Insurgency Units. These were
specialised Units trained and used in counter-insurgency roles during the war.
Their members wore a camouflage uniform and looked like soldiers to the
uninformed eye. Clashing with SAP COIN meant almost certain death to the
terrorist and they were always spoiling for a punch-up.
SAP means South African Police and the National Police Force of South Africa
between 1913 and 1994. It was replaced by the SAPS or South African Police
Service and of a para-military nature with military ranks, training and discipline